Asset Overview
Animated ferris wheel 3d model rendered with Cycles in Blender, as per seen on attached images.
The animation of it doing a full 360 degree spin is set up around 72 frames, but it can be scaled up for a smoother operation without any difficulty.
The model is scaled to real-life scale.
File formats:
-.blend, animated, rendered with cycles, as seen in the images;
-.blend, rendered with cycles, as seen in the images;
-.fbx, animated, with materials applied;
-.fbx, with materials applied;
-.obj, with materials applied;
-.dae, with materials applied;
Files come named appropriately and split by file format.
3D Software:
The 3D model was originally created in Blender 3.1 and rendered with Cycles.
Materials and textures:
The models have materials applied in all formats, and are ready to import and render.
The models are built mostly out of quads.
For any problems please feel free to contact me.
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