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Standard Unity Asset Store EULA
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Wooden survival housesHousehomesurvivalwoodpackapocalypticrust
Wooden survival houses
82 Assets

Package Overview

Wooden house pack is the best housing asset that you can use in in genre of post-apocalypse, horror, survival and other. 10 houses are ready to use in your game!

Package contains:
- 10 prefabs of game-ready houses
- Models to those houses
- Parts of every wall, door, window, etc so you can build your own houses and structures
- 1 demo scene
- 2K and 1K png textures (Diffuse, Normal)

Info: Cage 1 - Vertices: 37526 Triangles: 17102
Cage 2 - Vertices: 102875 Triangles: 45568
House 1 - Vertices: 10330 Triangles: 5420
House 2 - Vertices: 5864 Triangles: 3006
House 3 - Vertices: 11306 Triangles: 6670
House 4 - Vertices: 14434 Triangles: 9626
House 5 - Vertices: 8112 Triangles: 6064
House 6 - Vertices: 8950 Triangles: 4674
House 7 - Vertices: 2498 Triangles: 1346
House 8 - Vertices: 1686 Triangles: 898
House 9 - Vertices: 8327 Triangles: 4594
House 10 - Vertices: 178389 Triangles: 89642

Nature from screenshots and video are not included into package.