Asset Overview
Predynastic figurine of a female individual from the [Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology](, University College London.
Scanned with permission at the Petrie Museum using photogrammetry with a Canon EOS Rebel T5i (520 photos) and Photoscan 1.4.2.
The following is from the Petrie Museum online catalog entry for the object, [UC15161]( )
"Clay figure of seated beak-faced woman, leaning backwards, no arms; black tattoo marks (including antelope on back), rectangular apron, and anklets. Bands of green frit (?) above and below each eye, protracted to end of beak. Broken, now repaired, at waist. Purchased by Petrie in Egypt.
Period: Naqada I
Materials: clay
Dimensions: length: 18 cms