Ediacaran Biota Diorama

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Digital Atlas of Ancient Life
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This diorama of the Ediacara biota was made in 1980 by Terry Chase Studios and was on display at the Smithsonian for many years before coming to the [Paleontological Research Institution](http://www.priweb.org) in Ithaca, NY. A huge amount has been learned about these amazing fossils since then, and many of these interpretations have changed. This diorama was constructed at a time when many paleontologists interpreted most or all of the Ediacaran fossils as representing modern groups of organisms. Further research, however, has revealed that this is no longer a supportable view for many of these organisms. Some were likely related to living groups, while others probably have no living descendants or close relatives. Furthermore, the mode of life of a number of the Ediacara organisms, whatever they are related to, has been reinterpreted. Learn more about this diorama at https://www.priweb.org/blog-post/vanished-worlds. Model created by Emily Hauf.