Select or drop a image or 3D model here to search.
We support JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, WEBP, GLB, OBJ, STL, FBX. More formats will be added in the future.
This gun comes with a removable sniper scope attachment (5.7k tris)
\nAll moving parts are fully articulated and model is real world scale
\nThis asset comes with a 4096x4096 PBR textures.
\nIt also comes with ammo, (both live and spent), also with 1024x1024 PBR and Diffuse textures.
\nBasic weapon animations are included, you can use mecanim animator states to transition between them. (Already comes with a very basic animator), animations included:
This also comes with a LOD0 (aprox 8k tris total) and LOD1 model (aprox 5k tris total)
\nIntroducing the \"Low Poly Props Ultimate Pack\" - the go-to asset for game developers looking to add a vast collection of low-poly 3D props to their projects. With 1001 models or prefabs available, ranging from household items to environment props, this pack is designed to save developers countless hours in modeling and prototyping.
Each prop is designed with VR, AR, and mobile devices in mind, ensuring compatibility across a wide range of platforms. The pack comes with one texture.png, ensuring that all props are game-ready and optimized for use.
From furniture to foliage, this pack has it all, making it the perfect solution for developers looking to create immersive low-poly worlds quickly and efficiently. So why spend hours modeling when you can get started on your project right away with the \"Low Poly Props Ultimate Pack\"?
Feel free to visit my blog for Unity tutorials and more!
Props: 1001 models or prefabs(Unity), 1 Texture.png, (game ready)
Props 1 - AC - Book1 - Book2 - Book3 - Books1 - Books2 - Books3 - Books4 - Books5 - Books6 - Books7 - Books8 - Books9 - Brazier - BreadBin - ComputerScreen - CookingGas1 - CookingGas2 - CookingGasTall1 - CookingGasTall2 - Cooler - CuttingBoard - DeskChair - DeskLamp - DrainCover - DrinkMachine - DVDPlayer - DVDStack1 - DVDStack2 - Flowers1 - Flowers2 - Flowers3 - GameConsole1 - GameConsole2 - GameConsole3 - GameController - GardenMarker - Globe - Keg - Keyboard - Lamp1 - Lamp2 - LaundryBin - LetterBox1 - LetterBox2 - LetterBox3 - LetterBox4 - LetterBox5 - Microwave - Mouse - OpenBook - Plant1 - Plant2 - Plant3 - Plant4 - Plant5 - Plant6 - Plant7 - Pot1 - Pot2 - Pot3 - Pot4 - Pot5 - Pot6 - Pot7 - PotPlanthanging1 - PotPlanthanging2 - Radiator - RubbishBin1 - ShopCheckout - Speaker - Stair - Stereo - StereoSpeaker - StereoSpeakerBig - Stool - StreetSign1 - StreetSign2 - StreetSign3 - StreetSign4 - Toaster - ToiletBrush - TowerHanger - CoffeeMachine
Props2 - Art - Art2 - Art3 - Art4 - Art5 - Art6 - Art7 - Art8 - Art9 - BirdBath - Bucket - Cake1 - Cake2 - CakeSlice1 - CakeSlice2 - Candle1 - Candle2 - Candle3 - CardboardBox1 - CardboardBox2 - CardboardBox3 - CardboardBox4 - CardboardBox5 - Cart - CeilingFan - CeilingLight1 - CeilingLight2 - CeilingLight3 - CeilingLight4 - CeilingLight5 - CeilingLight6 - CeilingSign1 - Cheese - Clock1 - Clock2 - CookingPot - CookingPotLid - FruitBowl - Jar1 - Jar2 - LightSwitch1 - LightSwitch2 - OutdoorLight1 - OutdoorLight2 - Pan - PetBowl1 - PetBowl2 - Plate1 - Plate2 - PowerPlug - RubbishBin2 - Scale - SmartSecurityLight - Sprinkler - TowelRack - ToyBlock1 - ToyBlock2 - ToyBlock3 - Toys - TVRemote - TVRemote2 - WallLight1 - WallLight2
Props3 - ACOutdoorUnit - AirVent - BabyCot - Chair1 - Chair2 - Chair3 - Chair4 - CompostBin - Couch1 - DeckChair1 - DeckChair2 - DeckChair3 - DeckChair4 - FirePlace1 - FirePlace2 - FloatingNoodle1 - FloatingNoodle2 - FloatingNoodle3 - FloatingRing1 - FloatingRing2 - FridgeDrink - GlassesStand - Hoop - HoseReel - IceCreamFreezer - InflatbleFloatingBed - KitchenHood - LaundryBin2 - LaundrySink - Mirror1 - Mirror2 - Oven - PublicPhone - RoadSign1 - RoadSign2 - RoadSign3 - RoadSign3 - RoofAirVent1 - RoofAirVent2 - Rug1 - Rug2 - Safe - ShopShelf - SolarPanel - Table1 - Table2 - Television - TelevisionOld - TelevisionWall - Toilet - ToolCabinet - Trashbag1 - Trashbag2 - TVCabinet1 - TVCabinet2 - WashingMachine1 - WashingMachine2 - WheelBarrow
Props4 - Barbeque - Barrel - BathroomRug1 - BathroomRug2 - BathroomSink1 - BathroomSink2 - BathTub1 - BathTub2 - BikeStand - Chair - Couch2 - Couch3 - Desk1 - Desk2 - Drawers1 - Dresser - Dresser2 - Dresser3 - FloorMat - FoodHeater - Fountain - Hoop2 - Manhole - OutdoorTable - ParkBench - RubbishBin3 - Rug - ShopCounter - SideTable - Sign - StandingLamp1 - StandingLamp2 - StreetSignPole - Toilet2 - ToolBoard1 - ToolBoard2
Props5 - Antena - Couch5 - Couch6 - DiningChair1 - DiningTable1 - Fridge1 - Fridge2 - FuelPump - KitchenCabinet1 - KitchenCounter1 - KitchenCounter2 - KitchenCounterEnd - KitchenCounterSink - KitchenCounterWashing - OutDoorOven - Pew - Piano - PoolChild1 - PoolFitness - PoolSpa1 - PropaneTank - SatelliteDisk1 - SatelliteDisk2 - ShopShelf2 - ShopShelf3 - Shower1 - Shower2 - StreerLamp - Swing1 - Trampoline - Wardrobe1 - Wardrobe2 - Wardrobe3 - WorkShelf1 - WorkShelf2 - Shell1
Props6 - BookShelf1 - BookShelf2 - BunkBed1 - Couch - Couch1 - Couch2 - Couch3 - Couch4 - DiningChair2 - DiningChair3 - DogHouse1 - DoubleBed1 - DoubleBed2 - DoubleBed3 - OutDoorHeater1 - OutDoorTable2 - Pillow - Playground1 - Playground2 - Playground3 - Playground4 - SandBucket - SandPit - ShopCounter2 - ShopFridge1 - ShopFridge2 - SingleBed1 - SingleBed2 - WashingLine1 - WashingLine2 - WashingLine3 - WashingLine4 - WashingLine5 - WorkBench1
Props7 - AmericanFootball - Blade1 - BoxCutter1 - Bread1 - Brush1 - Brush2 - Can1 - Can2 - Chisel1 - Corn1 - Cup1 - Drill1 - Drink1 - Drink2 - Drink3 - Drink4 - DrinkGlass1 - DrinkGlass2 - Fork1 - Frsibee1 - GardernFork1 - GardernTowel1 - GardernTowel2 - GlassBottle1 - GlassBottle2 - GlassBottle3 - GlassCup1 - GlassCup2 - HackSaw1 - HackSaw2 - Hammer1 - Hammer2 - Hammer3 - JuiceJug1 - Knife1 - Mallet1 - Mallet2 - MouthWash1 - Mug1 - Nails1 - Onion1 - Pizza1 - PlasticCup - Pumpkin1 - RealFootball - SausageBun1 - SausageCooked1 - SausageRaw1 - Saw1 - Scrapper1 - ScrewDriver1 - ScrewDriver2 - Soap1 - Soap2 - Spanner1 - Spanner2 - Spoon1 - ToiletRoll1 - ToiletRoll2 - ToiletRoll3 - ToiletRoll4 - ToiletRollMounted1 - Tomato1 - ToolBox1 - ToothBrush1 - ToothBrush2 - ToothBrushCup1 - ToothPaste1 - WateringCan1 - WireCutter1 - WireCutter2 - Wrench1
Props8Env - AboveGroundPool1 - Bush1 - Bush2 - Bush3 - Bush4 - Cabbage1 - Carrot1 - DirtPile1 - DivingBoard1 - Flowers1 - Flowers2 - Flowers3 - GardenBox1 - GardenBox2 - GardenShed1 - Grass1 - Grass2 - Grass3 - GrassEdge1 - GrassEdge2 - GrassEdge3 - Hedge1 - Hedge2 - Hedge3 - IngroundPool1 - PathBlock1 - PlantCorn1 - PlantOnion1 - PlantPumpkin1 - PlantTomato - PlantVege1 - PlantVege2 - PoolLadder1 - PoolLadder2 - Tree1 - Tree2 - Tree3 - TreeBase1 - TreeBig1 - TreeTall1 - TreeFramed1 - TreeFramed2 - TreePine1 - TreePine2 - TreeTall2 - WhiteFence - WhiteFenceGate1 - WhiteFenceGate2 - WhiteFenceGate3 - WhiteFencePost - WoodFence1 - WoodFenceGate1 - WoodFenceGate2 - WoodFencePost
Props9 - AlarmPole1 - Barrel1 - Barrel1 - Barrel3 - BarrelPile1 - BarrelPile2 - BarrelPile3 - RoadBarrier2 - BedFrame1 - BrokenMirror1 - BrokenPlank1 - BrokenPlank1 - BrokenPlank3 - BulletShell1 - BulletShell2 - CampBed1 - CampBed2 - Chair4 - Chair5 - ChickenCoop1 - Chimney1 - Crate1 - Crate2 - Crate3 - Crate4 - CratePile1 - CratePile2 - CratePile3 - DiningTable2 - Fence1 - Fence2 - Fence3 - FenceGate1 - FenceGate1Door - FenceHigh1 - FenceHigh2 - FenceHigh3 - FenceOrnate1 - FenceOrnate1Post - FenceOrnate2 - FencePost - FenceWire1 - FenceWire2 - FenceWirePost - FirePlaceOld1 - GasCan1 - Gramaphone1 - GrandfatherClock1 - Hay1 - Hay2 - Hay3 - HayPile1 - HayPile2 - LandMine1 - LightPose1 - Matress1 - MiniTable1 - OldOven1 - OldRadioBox1 - OldRadioBox2 - OldRadioBox3 - PowerPole1 - RadioTower1 - RoadBarrier1 - SearchLightBase1 - Shleves1 - ShipMine1 - Steps1 - Strecher1 - Table3 - TankTrap1 - TankTrap2 - Turret1 - Typewritter1 - Wire1 - Wire2 - Wire3
Props10Weapon - AssaultRiffle1 - Bayonet1 - Bayonet2 - Bayonet3 - Bazooka1Missile - Bazooka1 - Bazooka2Missile - Bazooka2 - Flamethrower1 - Flamethrower1Tank - Grenade1 - Grenade2 - HeavyMachineGun1 - HeavyMachineGun2 - MachineGun1 - Mortar1 - MortarShell - Pistol1 - Pistol2 - Riffle1 - Riffle2 - Riffle3 - Riffle4 - SubMachineGun1 - SubMachineGun2 - SubMachineGun3 - Torpedo1
","id":274903039858,"images":{"default":{"featured":[{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""}],"main":{"href":""}}},"license":{"name":"Standard Unity Asset Store EULA","slug":"unity_standard","url":""},"modelCreatedTime":"2023-08-23T18:03:59Z","modelUpdatedTime":"2023-04-19T07:09:20Z","modelUrl":"","name":"MachineGun1","originSource":"ASSET_STORE","packageId":"188724","packageInfo":{"icon":"//","name":"Low Poly Props Ultimate Pack"},"polygonCount":1569,"publishedDate":"2021-08-09T14:04:36Z","publisher":{"id":"37446","name":"MagixBox","url":""},"rigged":false,"slug":"machinegun1-274903039858","sourceUrl":"","stats":{"viewCount":1},"tags":null,"vertexCount":0},{"animatedCount":0,"categories":[{"id":10,"name":"Weapons & Military","slug":"weapons-military"}],"colors":["black","cyan"],"description":"American Large-Caliber Sniper Rifle, Version 1989, caliber 12,7
\nWeapon is prepared for amination, functional parts of weapon are flexible.
\nTris: 5701
\n1 texture 512x512, 1 texture 2048x2048 with normal, specular
","fileSize":"156537137","id":274883163049,"images":{"default":{"featured":[{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""}],"main":{"href":""}}},"license":{"name":"Standard Unity Asset Store EULA","slug":"unity_standard","url":""},"modelCreatedTime":"2015-05-20T18:47:38Z","modelUpdatedTime":"2022-09-02T03:29:45Z","modelUrl":"","name":"Sniper_rifle_6","originSource":"ASSET_STORE","packageId":"35802","packageInfo":{"icon":"//","name":"American Large-Caliber Sniper Rifle"},"polygonCount":5701,"publishedDate":null,"publisher":{"name":"Valga Games"},"rigged":false,"slug":"sniper_rifle_6-274883163049","sourceUrl":"","stats":{"viewCount":6},"tags":["American Large-Caliber Sniper Rifle","American","Large-Caliber","Sniper Rifle","Gun","Firearms","weapon","functional parts of weapon"],"unityVersions":["5.0.2"],"vertexCount":0},{"animatedCount":0,"categories":[{"id":4,"name":"Characters & Creatures","slug":"characters-creatures"}],"colors":["black","cyan"],"description":"🌝 FEATURES 🌝
- If you are building Battle Royale Survival game, this pack can be an answer to your prayer. With these 20 heads/ 20 bodies/ 20 Weapons modular pack, you can easily create any kind of free for all survival genre games.
- Highly customizable with many modular parts and weapons ( 20 heads, 20 bodies, 20 weapons )
- MaskTintShader for Standard / URP(11.0.0) / HDRP(11.0.0) added.
- Various animations(about 400) for 10 different weapon stances fully compatible with Mecanim Humanoid. In-Place and Root motion animations both provided.
- Optimized for mobile games(low poly), 512x512 atlas texture for all modular parts
* Basic Male - 4434 Tris
* Basic Female - 4288 Tris
* Alien - 4154 Tris
* Bear - 3948 Tris
* Chemical Man - 4902 Tris
* Chicken - 4334 Tris
* Cowboy -4904 Tris
* Hero - 3832 Tris
* Hoodie - 4892 Tris
* Jester - 4390 Tris
* Knight - 4766 Tris
* Ninja - 3726 Tris
* Robot - 4866 Tris
* Salaryman - 4038 Tris
* Samurai - 5916 Tris
* Sniper - 5780 Tris
* Soldier - 4322 Tris
* Spaceman - 4498 Tris
* Terrorist - 4214 Tris
* Veteran - 5192 Tris
* Assault Rifle - 1380 Tris, AssaultRifle stance category
* Bazooka - 1326 Tris, BazookaStance Category
* Chemical Gun - 1114 Tris, HandgunStance and Double HandgunStance Category
* Crossbow - 1330 Tris, Rifle01Stance Category
* Electric Gun - 1710 Tris, HandgunStance and Double HandgunStance Category
* Flame Thrower - 1520 Tris, AssaultRifle stance category
* Gravity Gun - 2070 Tris, AssaultRifle stance category
* Grenade - 876 Tris, GrenadeStance category
* HMG - 1348 Tris, HandgunStance and Double HandgunStance Category
* Hunting Rifle - 914 Tris, Rifle02Stance category
* Ice Gun - 1436 Tris, Rifle01Stance category
* Knife - 467 Tris, KnifeStance category
* Mini gun - 1820 Tris, MinigunStance category
* Pistol - 1038 Tris, HandgunStance and Double HandgunStance Category
* Rail Gun - 1618 Tris, Rifle01Stance category
* Saw Gun - 1466 Tris, AssaultRifleStance category
* Shotgun - 1120 Tris, Rifle02Stance category
* SMG 1524 Tris, HandgunStance and Double HandgunStance Category
* Smoke Grenade - 486 Tris, GrenadeStance category
* Sniper Rifle - 1166 Tris, Rifle01Stance category
Animation List
- Attacks ( Single shot, Auto shot, charge shot, sustain shot, Puch, Kick ) for various weapon systems
- Reloading
- Die, Knockdown, Get up
- Dizzy
- Get Hit
- Idle(Normal and Battle)
- Jump ( normal and 4 split animations )
- Run(4 ways in place and root motion)
- Roll(4 ways in place and root motion)
- Dash(4 ways in place and root motion)
- Power UP
- Victory
- Aim offset up and down
Dungeon Mason proudly presents you Battle Royale Heroes Polyart pack. This light weight characters will be suitable for any of your game projects spanning from mobile to PC desktop, but especially good for mobile FPS and TPS and Top down action game development.
If you have any questions or request, fire away your needs through the followings.
","id":274901062074,"images":{"default":{"featured":[{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""}],"main":{"href":""}}},"license":{"name":"Standard Unity Asset Store EULA","slug":"unity_standard","url":""},"modelCreatedTime":"2023-07-25T21:22:01Z","modelUpdatedTime":"2022-08-31T08:47:35Z","modelUrl":"","name":"SniperRifleMaskTint","originSource":"ASSET_STORE","packageId":"184587","packageInfo":{"icon":"//","name":"Battle Royale Hero Polyart"},"polygonCount":1166,"publishedDate":"2021-10-12T03:36:16Z","publisher":{"id":"23554","name":"Dungeon Mason","url":""},"rigged":false,"slug":"sniperriflemasktint-274901062074","sourceUrl":"","stats":{"viewCount":2},"tags":null,"vertexCount":0},{"animatedCount":4,"categories":[{"id":10,"name":"Weapons & Military","slug":"weapons-military"}],"colors":["black","cyan","gray","brown"],"description":"This pack contains 3 animated heavy weapons with ammunition. They can be used in any scifi themed first or 3rd person action game.
-3 animated heavy weapons
-Minigun has 2 barrels
-Removable magazines
-MG has Ironsights
-1 cannon shell / 2 types of heavy ammunition
-Empty and full magazines
-Static non-animated weapon models (single mesh) also included
-5 different texture sets
-PBR textures (specular)
-Ready to use prefabs of all models are included
-Texture sizes are 2048, 1024 and 512
-Tris count ca. 3500
The materials of this asset must be upgraded with Unitys automatic material upgrade tool if this asset is used in the Universal Render Pipeline or HDRender Pipeline.
for URP: go to Edit / Render Pipeline / Universal Render Pipeline / Upgrade Project Materials to UniversalRP Materials
for HDRP: go to Edit / Render Pipeline / Upgrade Project Materials to High Definition Materials
","id":274899584310,"images":{"default":{"featured":[{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""}],"main":{"href":""}}},"license":{"name":"Standard Unity Asset Store EULA","slug":"unity_standard","url":""},"modelCreatedTime":"2023-07-09T16:04:59Z","modelUpdatedTime":"2022-09-02T16:59:48Z","modelUrl":"","name":"ScifiMGAnimatedRed","originSource":"ASSET_STORE","packageId":"22003","packageInfo":{"icon":"//","name":"Scifi Heavy Weapons II"},"polygonCount":4264,"publishedDate":"2021-01-25T13:34:25Z","publisher":{"id":"1611","name":"MSGDI","url":""},"rigged":false,"slug":"scifimganimatedred-274899584310","sourceUrl":"","stats":{"viewCount":1},"tags":null,"vertexCount":0},{"animatedCount":3,"categories":[{"id":10,"name":"Weapons & Military","slug":"weapons-military"}],"colors":["black","cyan","gray"],"description":"=== This weapon is part of the Cold War Collection ===
Click the link to see the collection that contains this asset.
This is an M14 Battle Rifle. This weapon fires a 7.62x55m cartridge in semi and full auto. A cold war weapon designed for a world coming out of the second world war. The battle rifle was not a concept that had long for this world as a standard issue infantry weapon.
","id":274902450846,"images":{"default":{"featured":[{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""}],"main":{"href":""}}},"license":{"name":"Standard Unity Asset Store EULA","slug":"unity_standard","url":""},"modelCreatedTime":"2023-08-14T15:44:14Z","modelUpdatedTime":"2022-09-03T17:24:32Z","modelUrl":"","name":"M14","originSource":"ASSET_STORE","packageId":"192172","packageInfo":{"icon":"//","name":"M14 - Standard"},"polygonCount":21273,"publishedDate":"2021-05-06T13:25:10Z","publisher":{"id":"17109","name":"Creation Wasteland","url":""},"rigged":false,"slug":"m14-274902450846","sourceUrl":"","stats":{"viewCount":1},"tags":null,"vertexCount":0},{"animatedCount":3,"categories":[{"id":9999,"name":"Others","slug":"miscs"}],"colors":["cyan","black","gray"],"description":"Attention: THIS MODEL IS NOT INTENDED FOR 3D PRINTING. The meshes are NOT WATERTIGHT. The meshes are optimized for 3d game engines, the inside faces are deleted to save on tris count.
\n\nThis pack contains a scifi weapon with modular attachments and ammunition. It can be used in a first or third person shooter.
\n\nPlease note: The download file contains FBX and OBJ files
\n\nThe model is unskinned, unrigged and has no animations. Almost all 3D applications/game engines have their own built-in toolset for keyframe animations. Use this to create e.g. firing animations, etc.
\n\nThe following textures are included
\n\nDepending on your game engine/3D application you may need to rescale the models.
","id":274897802302,"images":{"default":{"featured":[{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""}],"main":{"href":""}}},"license":{"name":"Royalty Free License","slug":"royalty_free","url":""},"modelCreatedTime":"2023-04-29T20:51:38Z","modelUpdatedTime":null,"modelUrl":"","name":"ScifiSniperRifleNTS56MasterPrefab","originSource":"CGTRADER","packageId":"2394895","polygonCount":12606,"publishedDate":"2023-04-29T20:51:38Z","publisher":{"avatar":null,"name":"msgamedevelopment"},"rigged":false,"slug":"scifisniperriflents56masterprefab-274897802302","sourceUrl":"","stats":{"viewCount":0},"tags":["gun","anti","material","sniper","rifle","fps","shooter","weapon","firearm","ammunition","ammo","laser","sight","scope","silencer","foregrip","pbr","scifi","msgdi","military","scifi-weapon"],"vertexCount":0}]},"packageDetail":null,"similarModel":null,"user":null}};This pack contains 3 animated scifi sniper rifles with equipment and ammunition. They can be used in any scifi themed first or 3rd person action game.
-3 animated sniper rifles
-Rifles support semi auto and bolt action firing animations
-Removable magazines
-Modular equipment (8 parts)
-Ironsights + 2 scopes
-3 types of ammunition
-Empty and full magazines
-Static non-animated weapon models (single mesh) also included
-5 different texture sets
-PBR textures (specular)
-Ready to use prefabs of all models are included
-Texture sizes are 2048 and 512
-Tris count ca. 3000
-Final tris count depends on how many equipment parts are used for a weapon
The materials of this asset must be upgraded with Unitys automatic material upgrade tool if this asset is used in the Universal Render Pipeline or HDRender Pipeline.
for URP: go to Edit / Render Pipeline / Universal Render Pipeline / Upgrade Project Materials to UniversalRP Materials
for HDRP: go to Edit / Render Pipeline / Upgrade Project Materials to High Definition Materials