Apartment Houses from my game “**Lords of power**”. Prototype your city faster with this modular lightweight Apartment Houses Kit. Win time by focusing on what is more important instead of create all this assets from zero. Low-poly, color-palettes, no animation.
It includes a folder with 4 buildings.
For tile 20mx20mx20m.
The model is compatible with [Apartment Houses - Level One Pack](https://skfb.ly/6Tznr) and [Apartment Houses - Level Three Pack](https://skfb.ly/6TBvx)
* You can freely modify it and use in all of your games.
* Optimized graphics: polygonality and very small textures 8x8 pixels allow you to use models in all game engines.
* Correctly Inverted Normals (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
* All my models from the game “**Lords of power**” are compatible in style and size, ready for use.
**If you like my free models, you can support me on