5G is the next form of wifi that will be 20x more powerful and faster than what we currently have. Wifi has been getting exponentially better, so when a new generation is introduced, the old one becomes obsolete. With change comes fear, and a lot of conspiracy theories - one of which being that 5G can control weather/climate. This isn't true, but 5G and weather are intertwined through weather satellites. Recent research shows that if 5G stations are not monitored, they can interrupt and mislead weather satellites to predict storms when in reality there are none. This misinterpretation represents how powerful 5G is compared to a storm. Both have a huge output and end up reverberating like a ripple in a pond - but more like a tsunami over a town. The evolving, the spreading, and the destructing parallel the mannerisms of 5G and natural catastrophes.
Work by Sarah Perrino and Joseph Caputo
For more info please visit www.borgo-digitale.com