Asset Overview
Charles Arthur Richards Farrell who was the first local City Engineer and not his son Harry Farrell as has been stated in Newsday twice during December. He was my grandfather. Charles Richards Farrell must be remembered for bringing potable water to the people of Trinidad & Tobago as well as for the building of beautiful pumping stations around the city which are now memories and one in Westpark, Cocorite. His grand-children remember being taken on many a Sunday afternoon drive to see the then functioning Pumping Station in Cocorite. They remember that there were three stations in all around the city, they remember being mesmerised by the huge, gleaming, brass fans and shiny fittings, the curiously shaped windows with curved window panes spotted with diamond shapes of brightly coloured glass; and they also remember the smooth patches of grass surrounding tall trees where they could play.
Text by Rosemary ( Farrell) Stone