Select or drop a image or 3D model here to search.
We support JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, WEBP, GLB, OBJ, STL, FBX. More formats will be added in the future.
Imagine floating cities of the future, derelict kingdoms in the middle of the desert, or civilizations forgotten about at the bottom of the ocean. Use this kit’s timeless textures, organic shapes and fluid structures to create new and old worlds lighter than air, faster than wind and bursting with potential!
Designed by Sebastian Luca, modeled by Jakub Vondra, and texturing by Alexey HrDesign, with cover art by Mike Golden.
Proceed with creativity! You are about to purchase a 3D asset kit that includes elements to set the scene as you build your world, whether it’s for video games, film, television, design, or art. These completely customizable assets will serve as the building blocks to help you create an original environment.
-105 Assets
\n-350 Meshes
\n-39 PBR Materials
\n-116 Textures
\n-4096x4096 Texture Maps
\n-2.3m Polys
\n- Works in Unity 2019.3.13 and above.
\n- HDRP/Built-In versions are freely upgradeable to Unity customers.
Introducing the \"Low Poly Props Ultimate Pack\" - the go-to asset for game developers looking to add a vast collection of low-poly 3D props to their projects. With 1001 models or prefabs available, ranging from household items to environment props, this pack is designed to save developers countless hours in modeling and prototyping.
Each prop is designed with VR, AR, and mobile devices in mind, ensuring compatibility across a wide range of platforms. The pack comes with one texture.png, ensuring that all props are game-ready and optimized for use.
From furniture to foliage, this pack has it all, making it the perfect solution for developers looking to create immersive low-poly worlds quickly and efficiently. So why spend hours modeling when you can get started on your project right away with the \"Low Poly Props Ultimate Pack\"?
Feel free to visit my blog for Unity tutorials and more!
Props: 1001 models or prefabs(Unity), 1 Texture.png, (game ready)
Props 1 - AC - Book1 - Book2 - Book3 - Books1 - Books2 - Books3 - Books4 - Books5 - Books6 - Books7 - Books8 - Books9 - Brazier - BreadBin - ComputerScreen - CookingGas1 - CookingGas2 - CookingGasTall1 - CookingGasTall2 - Cooler - CuttingBoard - DeskChair - DeskLamp - DrainCover - DrinkMachine - DVDPlayer - DVDStack1 - DVDStack2 - Flowers1 - Flowers2 - Flowers3 - GameConsole1 - GameConsole2 - GameConsole3 - GameController - GardenMarker - Globe - Keg - Keyboard - Lamp1 - Lamp2 - LaundryBin - LetterBox1 - LetterBox2 - LetterBox3 - LetterBox4 - LetterBox5 - Microwave - Mouse - OpenBook - Plant1 - Plant2 - Plant3 - Plant4 - Plant5 - Plant6 - Plant7 - Pot1 - Pot2 - Pot3 - Pot4 - Pot5 - Pot6 - Pot7 - PotPlanthanging1 - PotPlanthanging2 - Radiator - RubbishBin1 - ShopCheckout - Speaker - Stair - Stereo - StereoSpeaker - StereoSpeakerBig - Stool - StreetSign1 - StreetSign2 - StreetSign3 - StreetSign4 - Toaster - ToiletBrush - TowerHanger - CoffeeMachine
Props2 - Art - Art2 - Art3 - Art4 - Art5 - Art6 - Art7 - Art8 - Art9 - BirdBath - Bucket - Cake1 - Cake2 - CakeSlice1 - CakeSlice2 - Candle1 - Candle2 - Candle3 - CardboardBox1 - CardboardBox2 - CardboardBox3 - CardboardBox4 - CardboardBox5 - Cart - CeilingFan - CeilingLight1 - CeilingLight2 - CeilingLight3 - CeilingLight4 - CeilingLight5 - CeilingLight6 - CeilingSign1 - Cheese - Clock1 - Clock2 - CookingPot - CookingPotLid - FruitBowl - Jar1 - Jar2 - LightSwitch1 - LightSwitch2 - OutdoorLight1 - OutdoorLight2 - Pan - PetBowl1 - PetBowl2 - Plate1 - Plate2 - PowerPlug - RubbishBin2 - Scale - SmartSecurityLight - Sprinkler - TowelRack - ToyBlock1 - ToyBlock2 - ToyBlock3 - Toys - TVRemote - TVRemote2 - WallLight1 - WallLight2
Props3 - ACOutdoorUnit - AirVent - BabyCot - Chair1 - Chair2 - Chair3 - Chair4 - CompostBin - Couch1 - DeckChair1 - DeckChair2 - DeckChair3 - DeckChair4 - FirePlace1 - FirePlace2 - FloatingNoodle1 - FloatingNoodle2 - FloatingNoodle3 - FloatingRing1 - FloatingRing2 - FridgeDrink - GlassesStand - Hoop - HoseReel - IceCreamFreezer - InflatbleFloatingBed - KitchenHood - LaundryBin2 - LaundrySink - Mirror1 - Mirror2 - Oven - PublicPhone - RoadSign1 - RoadSign2 - RoadSign3 - RoadSign3 - RoofAirVent1 - RoofAirVent2 - Rug1 - Rug2 - Safe - ShopShelf - SolarPanel - Table1 - Table2 - Television - TelevisionOld - TelevisionWall - Toilet - ToolCabinet - Trashbag1 - Trashbag2 - TVCabinet1 - TVCabinet2 - WashingMachine1 - WashingMachine2 - WheelBarrow
Props4 - Barbeque - Barrel - BathroomRug1 - BathroomRug2 - BathroomSink1 - BathroomSink2 - BathTub1 - BathTub2 - BikeStand - Chair - Couch2 - Couch3 - Desk1 - Desk2 - Drawers1 - Dresser - Dresser2 - Dresser3 - FloorMat - FoodHeater - Fountain - Hoop2 - Manhole - OutdoorTable - ParkBench - RubbishBin3 - Rug - ShopCounter - SideTable - Sign - StandingLamp1 - StandingLamp2 - StreetSignPole - Toilet2 - ToolBoard1 - ToolBoard2
Props5 - Antena - Couch5 - Couch6 - DiningChair1 - DiningTable1 - Fridge1 - Fridge2 - FuelPump - KitchenCabinet1 - KitchenCounter1 - KitchenCounter2 - KitchenCounterEnd - KitchenCounterSink - KitchenCounterWashing - OutDoorOven - Pew - Piano - PoolChild1 - PoolFitness - PoolSpa1 - PropaneTank - SatelliteDisk1 - SatelliteDisk2 - ShopShelf2 - ShopShelf3 - Shower1 - Shower2 - StreerLamp - Swing1 - Trampoline - Wardrobe1 - Wardrobe2 - Wardrobe3 - WorkShelf1 - WorkShelf2 - Shell1
Props6 - BookShelf1 - BookShelf2 - BunkBed1 - Couch - Couch1 - Couch2 - Couch3 - Couch4 - DiningChair2 - DiningChair3 - DogHouse1 - DoubleBed1 - DoubleBed2 - DoubleBed3 - OutDoorHeater1 - OutDoorTable2 - Pillow - Playground1 - Playground2 - Playground3 - Playground4 - SandBucket - SandPit - ShopCounter2 - ShopFridge1 - ShopFridge2 - SingleBed1 - SingleBed2 - WashingLine1 - WashingLine2 - WashingLine3 - WashingLine4 - WashingLine5 - WorkBench1
Props7 - AmericanFootball - Blade1 - BoxCutter1 - Bread1 - Brush1 - Brush2 - Can1 - Can2 - Chisel1 - Corn1 - Cup1 - Drill1 - Drink1 - Drink2 - Drink3 - Drink4 - DrinkGlass1 - DrinkGlass2 - Fork1 - Frsibee1 - GardernFork1 - GardernTowel1 - GardernTowel2 - GlassBottle1 - GlassBottle2 - GlassBottle3 - GlassCup1 - GlassCup2 - HackSaw1 - HackSaw2 - Hammer1 - Hammer2 - Hammer3 - JuiceJug1 - Knife1 - Mallet1 - Mallet2 - MouthWash1 - Mug1 - Nails1 - Onion1 - Pizza1 - PlasticCup - Pumpkin1 - RealFootball - SausageBun1 - SausageCooked1 - SausageRaw1 - Saw1 - Scrapper1 - ScrewDriver1 - ScrewDriver2 - Soap1 - Soap2 - Spanner1 - Spanner2 - Spoon1 - ToiletRoll1 - ToiletRoll2 - ToiletRoll3 - ToiletRoll4 - ToiletRollMounted1 - Tomato1 - ToolBox1 - ToothBrush1 - ToothBrush2 - ToothBrushCup1 - ToothPaste1 - WateringCan1 - WireCutter1 - WireCutter2 - Wrench1
Props8Env - AboveGroundPool1 - Bush1 - Bush2 - Bush3 - Bush4 - Cabbage1 - Carrot1 - DirtPile1 - DivingBoard1 - Flowers1 - Flowers2 - Flowers3 - GardenBox1 - GardenBox2 - GardenShed1 - Grass1 - Grass2 - Grass3 - GrassEdge1 - GrassEdge2 - GrassEdge3 - Hedge1 - Hedge2 - Hedge3 - IngroundPool1 - PathBlock1 - PlantCorn1 - PlantOnion1 - PlantPumpkin1 - PlantTomato - PlantVege1 - PlantVege2 - PoolLadder1 - PoolLadder2 - Tree1 - Tree2 - Tree3 - TreeBase1 - TreeBig1 - TreeTall1 - TreeFramed1 - TreeFramed2 - TreePine1 - TreePine2 - TreeTall2 - WhiteFence - WhiteFenceGate1 - WhiteFenceGate2 - WhiteFenceGate3 - WhiteFencePost - WoodFence1 - WoodFenceGate1 - WoodFenceGate2 - WoodFencePost
Props9 - AlarmPole1 - Barrel1 - Barrel1 - Barrel3 - BarrelPile1 - BarrelPile2 - BarrelPile3 - RoadBarrier2 - BedFrame1 - BrokenMirror1 - BrokenPlank1 - BrokenPlank1 - BrokenPlank3 - BulletShell1 - BulletShell2 - CampBed1 - CampBed2 - Chair4 - Chair5 - ChickenCoop1 - Chimney1 - Crate1 - Crate2 - Crate3 - Crate4 - CratePile1 - CratePile2 - CratePile3 - DiningTable2 - Fence1 - Fence2 - Fence3 - FenceGate1 - FenceGate1Door - FenceHigh1 - FenceHigh2 - FenceHigh3 - FenceOrnate1 - FenceOrnate1Post - FenceOrnate2 - FencePost - FenceWire1 - FenceWire2 - FenceWirePost - FirePlaceOld1 - GasCan1 - Gramaphone1 - GrandfatherClock1 - Hay1 - Hay2 - Hay3 - HayPile1 - HayPile2 - LandMine1 - LightPose1 - Matress1 - MiniTable1 - OldOven1 - OldRadioBox1 - OldRadioBox2 - OldRadioBox3 - PowerPole1 - RadioTower1 - RoadBarrier1 - SearchLightBase1 - Shleves1 - ShipMine1 - Steps1 - Strecher1 - Table3 - TankTrap1 - TankTrap2 - Turret1 - Typewritter1 - Wire1 - Wire2 - Wire3
Props10Weapon - AssaultRiffle1 - Bayonet1 - Bayonet2 - Bayonet3 - Bazooka1Missile - Bazooka1 - Bazooka2Missile - Bazooka2 - Flamethrower1 - Flamethrower1Tank - Grenade1 - Grenade2 - HeavyMachineGun1 - HeavyMachineGun2 - MachineGun1 - Mortar1 - MortarShell - Pistol1 - Pistol2 - Riffle1 - Riffle2 - Riffle3 - Riffle4 - SubMachineGun1 - SubMachineGun2 - SubMachineGun3 - Torpedo1
","id":274903022553,"images":{"default":{"featured":[{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""}],"main":{"href":""}}},"license":{"name":"Standard Unity Asset Store EULA","slug":"unity_standard","url":""},"modelCreatedTime":"2023-08-23T18:04:49Z","modelUpdatedTime":"2023-04-19T07:09:20Z","modelUrl":"","name":"Table03","originSource":"ASSET_STORE","packageId":"188724","packageInfo":{"icon":"//","name":"Low Poly Props Ultimate Pack"},"polygonCount":176,"publishedDate":"2021-08-09T14:04:36Z","publisher":{"id":"37446","name":"MagixBox","url":""},"rigged":false,"slug":"table03-274903022553","sourceUrl":"","stats":{"viewCount":1},"tags":null,"vertexCount":0},{"animatedCount":0,"categories":[{"id":7,"name":"Furniture & Home","slug":"furniture-home"}],"colors":["black"],"description":"This Low poly collection can be used in games or some real-time scenes. One material and one 1024 texture for all.
30 Rooms - Bathroom, Kitchen, Office, Bedroom, Hall, Dining, Games, Parlour, Dressing and others.
1000+ objects - Beds, Chairs, Tables, Drawers, Shelfs, Flowers, Clothes, Lamps, Books, Musical instruments, Doors, Windows, Floors, Walls, Fireplaces, Sofas and many others.
","fileSize":"37928967","id":274882316438,"images":{"default":{"featured":[{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""}],"main":{"href":""}}},"license":{"name":"Standard Unity Asset Store EULA","slug":"unity_standard","url":""},"modelCreatedTime":"2022-02-15T16:12:14Z","modelUpdatedTime":"2022-02-15T16:12:15Z","modelUrl":"","name":"SM_TableKitchenBlackBrown_01_1","originSource":"ASSET_STORE","packageId":"213318","packageInfo":{"icon":"//","name":"Low Poly 30 Rooms Interiors 1000+ Objects"},"polygonCount":140,"publishedDate":null,"publisher":{"name":"Gilded8"},"rigged":false,"slug":"sm_tablekitchenblackbrown_01_1-274882316438","sourceUrl":"","stats":{"viewCount":3},"tags":["Low Poly 30 Rooms Interiors 1000+ Objects"],"unityVersions":["2019.4.35"],"vertexCount":0},{"animatedCount":0,"categories":[{"id":8,"name":"Industrial","slug":"industrial"}],"colors":["black","gray","blue"],"description":"Office Arch viz
\nThis is the low poly Small Studio set with the high quality of texture and render. You can
use this scene for the purpose of VR projects and simulators etc.
All screenshots were made with the HDRP render pipeline in Unity 2019.4.22f1. This Assets is compatible with Standard Render pipeline, HDRP Render pipeline and URP render pipeline. You can easily switch HDRP into Standard Pipeline and URP ( By the help of unity documentation ) if you want. All the maps are available for use in URP render pipeline.
All the models are Low Poly and fully optimized & organized for better performance in gaming devices like
Mobile, AR/VR ( head mount devices ) and PC.
Note- Use URP render pipeline for Low performance device
Instruction to Import the package : Create a new fresh Standard render pipeline project and import the Office Arch viz package into it. Now Convert your Render pipeline ( Standard RP ) into HDRP render pipeline by the help of Package manager and fix the basis errors by the help of HD Render Pipeline Wizard. Now you can open the scene file without any problem.
Request: Your time and feedback is greatly appreciated and also help me continue
developing asset in this style. I am available for freelance also.
If you have any quaries about this Package please contact on given email id.
Assets Details
Number of Models = 38
Number of Prefabs = 45
Number of Materials = 52
Scene- 1
Models, texture and tris
All the textures are PBR ( Physicall based render ) consist of given maps.
1. Base map
2. Metallic map
3. Height map
4. Roughness map
5. Occlusion map
6. Mask map
file extension is in = .Png & .tif
AC - 348 tris
Texture- 2048*2048
Book hanging shelf- 844 tris
Texture- 2048*2048
Carpet- 10 tris
Carpet 1 -1024 * 1024
Carpet 2 - 512*512
Cgwings LOGO- 26934 tris
texture- 1024*1024
Chair- 9286 tris
Texture- 2048*2048
Coffee table-1392 tris
Texture- 2048*2048
Computer- 1800 tris
Texture- 2048*2048
Base texture- 4
Empty Hall- 12544 tris
Ceiling - 1024*1024
Door - 2048*2048
Concret floor- 2048*2048
Stone surface - 1024*1024
Tile -1024*1024
Carpet tile - 1024*1024
Wooden planks - 512*512
Modern brick wall -2048*2048
White Wall - 1024*1024
White Wall A - 1024*1024
Iron support - 2048*2048
Kitchen - 2048*2048
Window blind - 2048*2048
Window frames- 2048*2048
Hanging light- 1700 tris
Texture- 2048*2048
Long shelf- 1836 tris
Texture- 2048*2048
Mirror- 54 tris
Texture- 2048*2048
Nescafe mug- 2920 tris
Texture- 2048*2048
Office table- 372 tris
Texture- 2048*2048
Pen tablet- 518 tris
Texture- 1024*1024
Plant- 26636 tris
Texture- 2048*2048
Refrigerator- 1280 tris
Texture- 2048*2048
Sign board- 4124 tris
Texture- 2048*2048
Base color -5
Sink- 18659 tris
Texture- 2048*2048
Sofa - 3390 tris
Texture- 2048*2048
Soup mug- 3752 tris
Texture- 2048*2048
Toilet- 9950 tris
Texture- 2048*2048
Wall art( picture frame) - 78 tris
Texture - 2048*2048
Water Cooler 2188 tris
Texture- 2048*2048
Book sets
Book set 0 - 72 tris
Book set 1 - 72 tris
Book set 2 - 288 tris
Book set 3 - 360 tris
Book set 4 - 360 tris
Book set 5 - 144 tris
Book set 6 - 360 tris
Texture size- 2048*2048
Carton box
Carton box A - 44
Carton box B - 44
Carton box C - 44
Carton Box D - 44
Texture size-
Texture set A -2048*2048
Texture set B - 2048*2048
Switch boxes
Switch A - 2744 tris
Switch B - 5830 tris
Switch C - 8030 tris
Switch D - 13144 tris
Texture- 2048*2048
","id":274902995212,"images":{"default":{"featured":[{"href":" table/Screenshots/Office table_20.webp"},{"href":" table/Screenshots/Office table_50.webp"},{"href":" table/Screenshots/Office table_80.webp"},{"href":" table/Screenshots/Office table_110.webp"},{"href":" table/Screenshots/Office table_140.webp"},{"href":" table/Screenshots/Office table_170.webp"},{"href":" table/Screenshots/Office table_200.webp"},{"href":" table/Screenshots/Office table_230.webp"},{"href":" table/Screenshots/Office table_260.webp"},{"href":" table/Screenshots/Office table_290.webp"},{"href":" table/Screenshots/Office table_320.webp"},{"href":" table/Screenshots/Office table_350.webp"}],"main":{"href":" table/Office table.webp"}}},"license":{"name":"Standard Unity Asset Store EULA","slug":"unity_standard","url":""},"modelCreatedTime":"2023-08-22T13:47:42Z","modelUpdatedTime":"2022-08-31T08:20:35Z","modelUrl":" table.obs.glb","name":"Office table","originSource":"ASSET_STORE","packageId":"191852","packageInfo":{"icon":"//","name":"Office Arch viz"},"polygonCount":372,"publishedDate":"2021-03-31T07:23:15Z","publisher":{"id":"43257","name":"Chandan kumar singh","url":""},"rigged":false,"slug":"office_table-274902995212","sourceUrl":"","stats":{"viewCount":0},"tags":null,"vertexCount":0},{"animatedCount":0,"categories":[{"id":9999,"name":"Others","slug":"miscs"}],"colors":["cyan","black","brown"],"description":"traditional Japanese coffee table
\n\nDimension: 159cm x 79cm x 49cm \nTyp: Static mesh \nTexture: one single set, no alternative versions \nMaterials: one in PBR style - separated texture files and combined ORM \nContains LODs and Colliders
","id":274897873564,"images":{"default":{"featured":[{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""}],"main":{"href":""}}},"license":{"name":"Royalty Free License","slug":"royalty_free","url":""},"modelCreatedTime":"2023-04-30T18:42:21Z","modelUpdatedTime":null,"modelUrl":"","name":"DuoDraconis_JapSet_CoffeTable_LODs","originSource":"CGTRADER","packageId":"3961840","polygonCount":9124,"publishedDate":"2023-04-30T18:42:21Z","publisher":{"avatar":null,"name":"duodraconis"},"rigged":false,"slug":"duodraconis_japset_coffetable_lods-274897873564","sourceUrl":"","stats":{"viewCount":0},"tags":["coffee","table","wood","japan","japanese","eastern","asia","surface","furniture"],"vertexCount":0},{"animatedCount":0,"categories":[{"id":8,"name":"Industrial","slug":"industrial"}],"colors":["black","cyan","gray"],"description":"This is a set of high poly scaffolding models.📜 Synty Newsletter 📜
Don't miss out on release discounts!
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Synty Studios™ presents: POLYGON – Ancient Empire
This Greek-Roman fusion asset pack is full of Buildings, Props, Weapons and Characters to start your Ancient World based game. Over 700 detailed prefabs in this pack.
◼ Key Features ◼
◼ Assets◼
Characters (x11)
Captain Male, Farmer Female, Farmer Male, Leader Male, Politician Male, Soldier Female, Soldier Male, Upperclass Female, Upperclass Male, Worker Female, Worker Male.
Character Attachments (x28)
Including Beards, Hairs, Helmets, Cape, and Crowns.
Buildings (x237)
Including a base set of building pieces plus: Amphitheatre, Balconies, Baths, Ceilings, Doors, Floors, Pillars, Railings, Trims, Trellises, Stairs, Alcoves, Walls, Windows, etc.
Props (x329)
Including Banners, Baskets, Braziers, Brackets, Carts, Flower Bed/Pots, Fountains, Goblets, Anvil, Grinding Wheel, Kiln, Forge, Ladder, Loom, Lyre, Marble Blocks and Rubble, Murals, Symbols, Pergola, Pillows, Plinths, Pots, Rugs, Sacks, Scrolls, Tools, Seats, Sensers, Shelves, Statues, Straw Stacks, Sundials, Tables, Torches, Racks, etc.
Environment (x128)
Including Background Islands, Bushes, Cobblestones, Crops, Fences, Flowers, Garden Plants, Grasses, Ivy/Vines, Lilies, Ocean Plane, Pebbles, Roads, Rock Cliffs, Straw Fields, Trees, Clouds, Grounds, etc.
FX (x9)
Candle Flame, Dust, Fire Large and Small, Fountain Pour, Grass Blowing, Incense, Leaves, Sun Beam.
Weapons (x15)
Including Axes, Scabbards, Shields, Spears, and Swords.
◼ Compatibility◼
Follow us for updates, promotions, previews & tutorials:
","fileSize":"119826802","id":274895699126,"images":{"default":{"featured":[{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""}],"main":{"href":""}}},"license":{"name":"Standard Unity Asset Store EULA","slug":"unity_standard","url":""},"modelCreatedTime":"2022-06-08T01:03:14Z","modelUpdatedTime":"2022-06-08T01:28:20Z","modelUrl":"","name":"SM_Prop_Table_08","originSource":"ASSET_STORE","packageId":"224020","packageInfo":{"icon":"//","name":"POLYGON Ancient Empire - Low Poly 3D Art by Synty"},"polygonCount":450,"publishedDate":null,"publisher":{"name":"Synty Studios"},"rigged":false,"slug":"sm_prop_table_08-274895699126","sourceUrl":"","stats":{"viewCount":2},"tags":["POLYGON Ancient Empire - Low Poly 3D Art by Synty"],"unityVersions":["2019.4.38"],"vertexCount":0}]},"packageDetail":null,"similarModel":null,"user":null}};MegaVRse 2 is made using a modular workflow so you can further design your metaverse, make new buildings, add as many floors, rooms and balconies as you want. Play around with the provided constructive elements, build your own metaverse.
The example level together with 93 game-ready props is included in this asset pack.
MegaVRse 2 is a modular environment, that includes a parking area and a large modular building with 4 floors. The building can be used as a corporate building, as a co-working space, as an educational center, as an university and anything that comes to your mind.
Building Description:
- Parking Area
- Main entrance with Reception
- Conference rooms (10)
- Congress halls (2)
- Chat rooms (10)
- Bar
- Studio
- Rest Areas
- Stairs
93 game-ready props are included in this asset pack. Constructive elements like wall blocks, floor blocks, glass windows, glass panels, columns, stairs, fences and other. Furniture and other elements like chairs, tables, sofas, screens, cameras, lamps and others.
The complete scene shown in the video and images is included in this pack and it can be used as a starting point in your games and 3D projects. To ensure a similar light setup as the one shown in the video please download and import the Post Processing stack (Package Manager -> Unity Registry), use the provided Post Processing Files and set your project settings from Gama to Linear. If you need additional help with the setup please contact us.
The MegaVRse logo and all posters have our original design. You can switch all of them in material settings, by importing your own textures.
Note: Textures used for some materials are taken from free PBR sources ( and free image sources(
For any asset related questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us via email: