Asset Overview
I wanted to capture the feeling of the beginning of the evening, just as the sun is setting and everyone is heading out for dinner, dancing, and a night of relaxation and enjoyment.
I took the original model and adjusted some of the materials to stand out with a bit of reflection and metal feel. I added 3 lights - 1 yellow point light, 1 rich blue point light on the back, and a red directional light on the front. These are to simulate the sun as it sets and hits the building, the yellow glow from the windows, and the blue feel you get when the sun is gone behind buildings.
I also added some emissive glow on the windows, and a bit of emission to some of the trees and bushes to make them stick out some. And finally I added a sound track and adjusted some of the post process settings - bloom, SSAO, tone mapping, RGB adjustment, and vignette.
*Original model '[Littlest Tokyo](' by Glenatron, published under a Creative Commons Attribution license.*