Final Extent of Trench 03 and Wall [M01]

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Department of Anthropology and Archaeology
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Trench 03 consisted of two similar deposits, a redeposited natural consisting of sandy clay (301) and a darker silty clay (302), both with heavy deposits of large mortar and masonry. The larger portions of mortar exhibited clear evidence of where it once adhered to the surrounding masonry. This mortar is of the same type found in wall [M01] The masonry also appears of a similar dimension to the smallest blocks in wall [M01] as it stands today. Relatively few finds were found in these contexts, with most finds being small fragments of pottery and fragments of one three pipestems and one small pipe bowl. This early clay pipe and a single sherd of ham green ware suggests a simmilar origin for this context to (201) and (206). This suggests that wall 01 was pulled down to its current height and natural clay robbed from areas behind the fort wall, mixed wall mortar and packing material as it was moved, was deposited to create the current mound. [RFG21TR03_Q_01.LQ]