Historic building's interior (iPhone LiDAR scan)

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Dominik Hagmann
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CC BY 4.0

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This LiDAR-scan of a historic building's interiors located in Lower Austria (AUT) was recorded during building-archaeological measures by **[ARDIG](https://www.ardig.at/)**, triggered by recent remodeling work in the course of house renovation. Scanning was done in two rounds using 3dScannerApp on an iPhone 13 Pro. Each round took approx. < 5 min of capturing and another < 5 min of on-board processing time. After the first room was fully captured in 3D and with textures in the first round, the scan was (nearly) seamlessly extended by another room in a second round using the corresponding app function. Therefore, **within less than approx. 20 minutes, both rooms could be fully documented in 3D by a scaled and textured 3D model**. Considering the extreme flexibility and fast acquisition and processing time, the method holds tremendous future potential for archaeological work, even if still several minor errors occur in the final product. * DOI: [10.5281/zenodo.6665294](https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6665294)