Asset Overview
In area of rock outcrop on south-facing slope of Knockadoon Peninsula, overlooking Lough Gur, Co. Limerick, the shoreline of which lies 118m to the north. Oval-shaped Bronze Age house (Site D House I), discovered during archaeological excavations over 18 seasons led by Professor Seán P. Ó Ríordáin. Curving arrangement of low orthostats delineate the eastern side of the house measuring 5.5m N-S by 3.5m E-W, with bedrock forming the enclosing element on the western side. The type of superstructure is unknown, although Ó Ríordáin suggested that the walls above the stone foundation may have been built of sods. The structure partly overlay the floor of a middle Neolithic round house. Ó Ríordáin noted that decoration on the Class II pottery was rare and this might indicate a date in the late Bronze Age. The prehistoric site is on private land and there is no access to the monument. For more detailed description of the house site, visit: