Asset Overview
*Sample render in blender cycles: 10k particles - 2880x750 - 256 samples - ~7min on i7, 16gb RAM and GTX1060*
A collection of 282 (A.K.A more than you'll ever need) lowpoly people. Allright. Who cares. **Where is waldo?!**, that's the real question!
Automagically remeshing body scans to lowpoly assets (check out my growing collection of [free assets](!), which can be used for archviz placeholders.
Each model has its origin located at its feet, so that placement in a scene is made easy. However, some refined scaling is probably needed as some children have become giants in the process...
Original scans from @FrancescoPusterla @fablabbudapestitseez3d @jc @my3dworld @justin.levitz @deathlessvr @myminimate @3DCap @onepoint @fwild @marpi @conjurer @thor3D @vitronic @3dhubs @codame @benhaim - all licensed under CC-attribution.