Medieval Door, Aldobrandeschi Castle. Arcidosso

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Global Digital Heritage
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Medieval door frame with text on lintel, located on the second floor of the Aldobrandeschi Castle, Arcidosso, Grosseto, Tuscany. Medieval door frame with text on lintel, located on the second floor of the Aldobrandeschi Castle, Arcidosso, Grosseto, Tuscany. The door gives access and is probably contemporary to the 'new palace' built at the castle in the early 17th c. [source: N. Nanni, 1998] The latin inscription commemorates Martino Fortunio acting for Ferdinando de Medici, and is referred to the realization of the jail’s staircase in 1595 FERDINANDI MAGNI GRATIA FORTUNIO MARTINO PRAETORE AEDES SCALAE CARCERES; ADMDXCV Model was created in Reality Capture using 188 photographs. The Mt. Amiata Project is an ongoing GDH collaboration involving faculty and students at the University of Florence and the University of Siena. We could not have done this project without the considerable support of the Municipality of Arcidosso.