This is a modern apartment in the city. This apartment has 2 bedrooms a master and a guest, 1 bathroom, full kitchen, living, and an office. Everything in this house was modeled by me and the blueprints were also made by me. This apartment is only of the inside but I can make an outside to if you want. Some of the rooms like the guest room look a little bare since I ran out of ideas to put in there. This house may not work with vr mobile but should work on vive. This house took me a couple months to complete but its finally complete. This is also my first interior design / architecture that I have made. If you like it and want me to make somthing specific for you (you will have to pay) or just another one let me know. You can message me here at about any requests but if you do want a specific house I will upload it to sketchfab in the store so you will have to pay (if you dont want it on the store I will send it to you seperatly and you will have to paypal me).