Metashape 1.5.5: Settings: Align 133 Photos: Highest Accuracy; Generic Preselection Enabled; Key pt. limit- 40k; Tie pt. limit- 10k—Dense Cloud: Ultra High Quality; Depth filtering- Mild; Calculate point colors enabled—Build Mesh: Source Data-Depth maps; Suface type- Arbitrary 3D; Quality- Ultra High; Calculate vertex colors enabled—Build Texture: Mapping Mode- Generic; Blending mode- Mosaic (default); Texture size- 4096x1; Ghost Filtering enabled
Zbrush Walkthrough: Brought in as OBJ; Converted into Polymesh 3D; Masked and removed unnecessary geometry; Added objects; polypainted; Used Decimator Master Zplugin on Pediment only*: Kept UVs, Kept polypaint, Preprocess current, decimate current at 45% recuding polygon count from 4mil to 1.984mil; merged with other shapes; exported as OBJ; sent to compressed ZIP folder; uploaded
*Photos Courtesy of Betsey Robinson and Bernard Frischer*
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