Asset Overview
The images were all taken handheld from street level on 4th Apr 2017 in cloudy conditions. I used my trusty Nikon D90 with 18-140mm lens. I kept far enough back that nothing occluded the view to the top, which was luckily not too hard with this tower as everything is 'sloped'. I zoomed the lens to fill the frame (using a range of focal lengths from 18-52mm) and refocussed for almost every shot and even enabled VR on the lens as it was quite dark, which are all bad ideas for photogrammetry, but photoscan handled it all beautifully. It was 100x12mp photos in total, ~70 full height, and ~30 close up around the bottom. Images were aligned without masking and then masks were generated in photoshop using a color range to mask out the sky before building the dense cloud.