Create the boroughs of an 18th century North American commonwealth or the ornate European towers of a present-day London, Washington, D.C. or Melbourne. Use these iconic monuments to create historical landmarks, public edifices to portray stately offices, or city blocks to shape town squares. Whether you are depicting 18th or 19th century Europe or modern-day America or Australia, this kit has got you covered!
Modeled by Mihailo Radosevic, and texturing by Mike Golden, with cover art by Maxx Burman.
◼ A MESSAGE FROM KITBASH3D ◼ Proceed with creativity! You are about to purchase a 3D asset kit that includes elements to set the scene as you build your world, whether it’s for video games, film, television, design, or art. These completely customizable assets will serve as the building blocks to help you create an original environment.
\n\nPack support unity: \n- Unity 2017.3+ \n- Unity 2018 \n- Unity 2018 HD RP 4.9 \n- Unity 2018 LW RP 4.9 \n- New Unity Terrain 2018.3+ Support \n- Unity 2019 \n- Unity 2019.1 HD RP 5.7+ \n- Unity 2019.1 LW RP 5.7+ \n- Unity 2019.2+ LW RP 6.9+ \n- Unity 2019.2+ HD RP 6.9+ \n- Unity 2019.3+ LW RP 7.18+ \n- Unity 2019.3+ HD RP 7.18+ \n- Unity 2019.3 URP 7.2+ \n- Unity 2019.3 HD RP 7.2+ \n- Unity 2019.4 LTS HD RP \n- Unity 2019.4 LTS URP \n- Unity 2020+ \n- Unity 2020.1+ HD RP 8.2+ \n- Unity 2020.1+ URP 8.2+ \n- Unity 2020.2+ HD RP 10.2+ \n- Unity 2020.2+ URP 10.2+ \n- Unity 2020.3+ LTS HD RP 10.3+ \n- Unity 2020.3+ LTS URP 10.2+ \n- Unity 2020.3+ LTS HD RP 10.7+ \n- Unity 2020.3+ LTS URP 10.7+ \n- Unity 2021+ \n- Unity 2021.1+ HD RP 11.0+ \n- Unity 2021.1+ URP 11.0+ \n- Unity 2021.2+ HD RP 12.1+ \n- Unity 2021.2+ URP 12.1+ \n- Unity 2021.3+ LTS HD RP 12.1+ \n- Unity 2021.3+ LTS URP 12.1+ \n- Unity 2022+ \n- RTX support for HD RP 2020.1+ \n- VS PRO at Standard, HD and URP support for 7.2+ \n- SRP Batcher support Unity 2019.2, 2019.3+ LW, URP AND HD RP \n- DOTS instancing support \n
\n\nTo run HD or LW RP please import pack to HD or LW RP project and then import support pack which is inside the asset in \"HD and LW RP support\" or \"HD and URP support\" folder. It will replace shaders, prefabs, meshes so they will work with RP out of the box. Please also check readme files inside that folder.\n\n
\nWe mark at screens HD SRP and NON HD SRP screens.\n
\n\nThis pack is: \n- Huge library of 100% scanned assets, carefully optimized, atlased, LOD’ed; \n- Group of shaders which will bring better quality and simplify your workflow, if you want to use them; \n- Meadow Environment with small groves ; \n- All shaders are shared between our all assets; \n- HD SRP Demo from video is included; \n- Demo for unity standard rendering, pretty as well also included; \n- Demo scene for Vegetation Studio NON PRO included; \n- Demo scene for Vegetation Studio PRO included; \n- NON HD SRP Demo scene from 2nd video need at least : Vegetation Studio Pro, R.A.M 2019 – River Auto Material 2019 to run. Step by step tutorial, download link and used assets are in video description; \n- It works best with Vegetation Studio and Vegetation Studio Pro;\n
\n\nIn our pack you will find 5 aspects (artistic content, shaders, tools, support files):
\n\n1) Artistic content: \n- 21 cliff models with LOD’s and 91 prefabs: standard, top covered or by mask by leaves, grass; \n- 20 rock models with LOD’s and 68 prefabs: standard, top covered or by mask by leaves, grass; \n- 6 low poly background mountains ; \n- 8 bushes: willow and maple with LOD’s and cross as last LOD; \n- 9 detail meshes: clover, daisy, dead grass,grass plants, leaves with LOD’s; \n- 21 models of construction kit fences with LOD’s; \n- 24 models of system fences: post and span; \n- 12 models of combined fence models with LOD’s; \n- 53 fence prefabs from all mentioned configurations; \n- 10 flower types with 45 LOD’ed meshes in variants: planes, cross, detailed ; \n- 15 grass types, LOD’ed in variants: planes, cross, detailed ; \n- 70 flowers and grass prefabs with LOD’s; \n- 70 flowers and grass prefabs for unity terrain without LOD’s; \n- 5 ground texture sets: 27 textures with: albedo/smoothness, ao, heightmap, normalmap, MT/AO/H/SM; \n- particles and insects: bees, butterfly, leaves, dust; \n- 2 dirty road materials with parallax shader with R.A.M road profiles; \n- 14 terrain heightmap stamps for your terrain and unity terrain stamping 2018.3+; \n- 14 GAIA terrain stamps; \n- 3 Tree stumps with LOD’s and blended with terrain blend variants; \n- 2 mushrooms with LOD’s; \n- 3 variants of tree prefabs: HD, Vegetation Studio, Optimised and baked; \n- 11 trees with LOD’s and cross as last LOD; \n- Trees are in types: plants, small tree, standalone tree, forest tree, dead tree; \n- Tree triangles specification below; \n- All textures contain:Albedo, Normalmap, Metallic, Height, AO, Smoothness; \n- In ground textures you will find: meadow grass, dirty ground, dirty grass, leaves, needless; \n- HD SRP demo; \n- Unity standard rendering demo; \n- Demo with spawn functions for Vegetation Studio Pro; \n- Demo with spawn functions for Vegetation Studio Standard - NON PRO ;\n
\n\n2) Shaders: \n- All shaders support vegetation studio instanced indirect out of the box; \n- 3 grass shader :lite, standard, specular; \n- 4 standard shaders with auto texture cover by mask or by top (terrain blend); \n- 1 cross shaders as last tree LOD \n- bark and leaves shaders with metallic/specular variants; \n- automatic wetness support for hd and lw rp 2019.2+ when object touch river auto material water surface; \n- make note that lw and hd rp gets about 7 new additional shaders with: planar, triplanar uv, cover via direction vector and much more.\n\n
\n3) Ported wind shading from HD SRP: \n- Advanced and cheap in render wind shading; \n- Wind will be shared between our all assets; \n- Wind works 1:1 like in HD SRP; \n- Wind manage grass colors and normals;\n\n
\n4) Tools and Scripts: \n- HD SRP ported wind to lower unity versions; \n\n
\n5) Additional support files: \n- Post process stack 2.0 profiles; \n- GAIA stamp; \n- R.A.M road profile;\n\n
\nTrees specification - low overdraw and smart shaders which are gpu friendly.
\nTrees contain optimised and HD versions:
\nOptimised LOD’s average tris: \nBig Standalone :14200/6200/4000/2500/24(cross); \nBig Forest : 6000/2600/1600/1100/20(cross); \nMedium ;9200/6200/3500/2100/24(cross); \nYoung :3200/1300/650/27(cross); \nPlant :900/450/2400/24(cross); \nHD LOD’s tris are pretty similar:
\n\nAll shaders use the same channels as unity standard shaders and support instantiating: \nMetalic Shader: Albedo (RGB) // Metalic (R) Ambient Occlusion (G) Smothness (A) // Normal (RGB) \nSpecular Shader: Albedo (RGB) // Normal (RGB) // Specular (RGB) Smothness (A) // Ambient Occlusion (G)
\nWe use and advise to use such configuration in your projct to save a lot of memory and gpu sources . Instead of spearated 5-6 textures you can use 3 combined textures ,with the same result in unity standard shader as well as in our system. This config also make this asset 100% compatibile with HD SRP.\n
\n\nTextures are 2048x2048 up to 4096x4096 resolution but they look very good also at lower resolution. With packed and atlased structure they are very light for gpu and memory.\n
\n\nIMPORTANT: \nPack contain ported wind from Unity 2018 HD SRP into lower unity versions and LW SRP this means that asset uses: NMWind.cginc ,NMWindNoShiver.cginc ,NMWind.hlsl, NMWindNoShiver.hlsl, NM_Wind.cs, ShaderWindSettings.cs, 3DNoise.psd, GustNoise.psd under Unity Companion License see Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details. \n
","fileSize":"3377120563","id":274895740810,"images":{"default":{"featured":[{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""}],"main":{"href":""}}},"license":{"name":"Standard Unity Asset Store EULA","slug":"unity_standard","url":""},"modelCreatedTime":"2018-11-01T17:09:08Z","modelUpdatedTime":"2022-04-12T21:10:21Z","modelUrl":"","name":"prefab_Terrain_flower_common_poppy_01_cross_1","originSource":"ASSET_STORE","packageId":"132195","packageInfo":{"icon":"//","name":"Meadow Environment - Dynamic Nature"},"polygonCount":9,"publishedDate":null,"publisher":{"name":"NatureManufacture"},"rigged":false,"slug":"prefab_terrain_flower_common_poppy_01_cross_1-274895740810","sourceUrl":"","stats":{"viewCount":0},"tags":["Meadow Environment - Dynamic Nature","meadow grass foliage 3d r","a","m river lake fence wood system tree trees rock cliff LOD scanned photo models flowers flower trunk landscape ground leaves needles mud dirt road path photoscanned gaia vs vs pro vegetation studio nature bush urp"],"unityVersions":["2017.3.1"],"vertexCount":0},{"animatedCount":0,"categories":[{"id":9999,"name":"Others","slug":"miscs"}],"colors":["gray","cyan","white","blue"],"description":"I made this when I was first learning of modeling, a year ago. It was modeled in catmaul and frozen for sketchfab.","downloadable":true,"embedUrl":"","fileSize":6656328,"free":true,"id":274893945479,"images":{"default":{"featured":[{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""}],"main":{"href":""}}},"license":{"name":"CC BY 4.0","slug":"by","url":""},"modelCreatedTime":"2016-03-02T02:15:12Z","modelUpdatedTime":"2016-03-02T02:15:12Z","name":"Free Tiki Head","originSource":"SKETCHFAB","packageId":"22b0bdf68ff644de9c7e34a9202a383d","polygonCount":111552,"publishedDate":"2016-03-02T02:15:12Z","publisher":{"avatar":"","name":"Milantique","profileUrl":""},"rigged":false,"slug":"free_tiki_head-274893945479","sourceUrl":"","stats":{"viewCount":1},"tags":["tiki","head","milantique","model","free"],"vertexCount":111586},{"animatedCount":0,"categories":[{"id":9999,"name":"Others","slug":"miscs"}],"colors":["cyan","gray","white","yellow","orange","red","blue"],"description":"
Modular french window. Created in modular design mindset for easy use and combination with other parts. This pack includes -3 3ds max scenes -11 original objects as separate meshes in 3ds Max scene. -8 preassembled windows samples -3 shutters variation examples -1 texture atlas (4k, jpg) and 1 plaster texture.
This pack uses pbr textures. -basecolor -normal -roughness -opacity
A Spooky style cemetery with 70+ unique assets for Unity to help you create a cemetery scene or just decorate an existing scene!
Most assets have 2 Texture sets to apply to your materials (Normal and Moss/Dirt).
If you run into any issues or need any help please contact me or leave me a question and i'll get back to you with as much help as I can give. I would really appreciate it if you could do this before leaving a review :)
If you have any issues, suggestion or anything else please either leave me a question or join my DISCORD channel.
\n\nVersion 2.0 Support: \n- all lower engine versions from 5.6 up to 2019.2
\n Version 3.0 Support: \n- Unity 2019.3+ \n- Unity 2019.3 HD RP 7.2+ \n- Unity 2019.3 URP 7.2+ \n- Unity 2019.4 LTS HD RP \n- Unity 2019.4 LTS URP \n- Unity 2020+ \n- Unity 2020.1 HD RP 8.2+ \n- Unity 2020.1 URP 8.2+ \n- Unity 2020.2 HD RP 10.2+ \n- Unity 2020.2 URP 10.2+ \n- Unity 2020.3 LTS HD RP 10.3+ \n- Unity 2020.3 LTS URP 10.2+ \n- Unity 2020.3 LTS HD RP 10.7+ \n- Unity 2020.3 LTS URP 10.7+ \n- Unity 2021+ \n- Unity 2021.1 HD RP 11.0+ \n- Unity 2021.1 URP 11.0+ \n- Unity 2021.2 HD RP 12.1+ \n- Unity 2021.2 URP 12.1+ \n- Unity 2022+ \n- RTX support for Unity 2020.1 HD RP 8.2+ and higher \n- VS PRO at Standard, HD and URP support for 7.2+ \n- SRP Batcher support Unity, 2019.3+ URP and HD RP \n- DOTS instancing support \n \nTo run HD RP or, URP please import pack to HD or URP, project and then import support pack which is inside the asset in \"HD and URP support\". It will replace shaders, prefabs, meshes so they will work with RP out of the box. Please also check readme files inside that folder.
\n\nThis pack contains extremely huge amount (over 2000) of modular, PBR, sculpted, and photoscanned assets. You could build with them: cemetery, interiors, nature background. All assets are high-quality optimised and atlased models with 3-4 LODs. \n\n
\nPack contain: \n- 350 prefabs, (like in overview screenshots) \n- 217 models (646 meshes with LODs), \n- 329 textures (over 1000 maps), \n wall/ floor shader (specular and metalic version which support snow or moss cover). This shader will quarantee perfect texture and uv fit at your building, you dont have to carry about it anymore. \nfoliage trials from our other assets \n- particles such as falling leaves, fog, fire, \n- overview scene, \n-big demo scene from screens in Standard, HD,URP, versions, \n-big demo from video is NOT included,\n
\nTextures atlases are 2048x2048 up to 4096x4096. Each material contains: Albedo (Diffuse), Specular or Metallic, Normal Map, Occlusion, also most of them use Detail Masks, Detail Albedo and Normal Map\n\n \n \n Forum thread \n\n
","fileSize":"2712996075","id":274895736651,"images":{"default":{"featured":[{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""}],"main":{"href":""}}},"license":{"name":"Standard Unity Asset Store EULA","slug":"unity_standard","url":""},"modelCreatedTime":"2016-04-14T00:36:35Z","modelUpdatedTime":"2022-04-06T19:30:23Z","modelUrl":"","name":"prefab_Trial_herb_03","originSource":"ASSET_STORE","packageId":"58915","packageInfo":{"icon":"//","name":"PBR Graveyard and Nature Set 2.0"},"polygonCount":21,"publishedDate":null,"publisher":{"name":"NatureManufacture"},"rigged":false,"slug":"prefab_trial_herb_03-274895736651","sourceUrl":"","stats":{"viewCount":7},"tags":["PBR Graveyard and Nature Set 2.0","Grave","Graveyard","Pack","Ground","Scene","Rocks","Cemetery","PBR","roots","Trees","bushes","statue","tomb","tombstone","column","fire","candle","shovel","light","nature","pickaxe","ivy","pavement","gargoyle","death","rock","fog","coffin","goblet","wall","church","doors","photorealistic","horror","interior","modules","scan"],"unityVersions":["5.5.2"],"vertexCount":0},{"animatedCount":0,"categories":[{"id":12,"name":"Landscape","slug":"landscape"}],"colors":["black"],"description":"
Abime Studio is a team that creates the necessary assets to create a 3D environment.
\n \n
Package contains over 130 prefabs to make fantasy cartoon style dungeons.
\n \n
Package contains\n - More than 130 different models\n - Rocks, Walls, Pillars, Tiles, Candles, Carpets, etc.\n - Flame FX \n - 2 Demo scenes\n - Atlased textures(1024x1024)
","fileSize":"36242107","id":274882294760,"images":{"default":{"featured":[{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""}],"main":{"href":""}}},"license":{"name":"Standard Unity Asset Store EULA","slug":"unity_standard","url":""},"modelCreatedTime":"2019-06-13T11:17:09Z","modelUpdatedTime":"2020-03-19T10:26:22Z","modelUrl":"","name":"Dg_01_door_03","originSource":"ASSET_STORE","packageId":"146213","packageInfo":{"icon":"//","name":"Cartoon Style Dungeon Pack"},"polygonCount":150,"publishedDate":null,"publisher":{"name":"Abime Studio"},"rigged":false,"slug":"dg_01_door_03-274882294760","sourceUrl":"","stats":{"viewCount":7},"tags":["Cartoon Style Dungeon Pack","Fantasy","Environment","Dungeon","Cartoon","Casual","Prop"],"unityVersions":["2018.1.9"],"vertexCount":0},{"animatedCount":1,"categories":[{"id":1,"name":"Architecture","slug":"architecture"}],"colors":[],"description":"The neon LED sign is acting as an animated texture. The texture isn't actually animated, but rather it is cycling through several textures and putting the live one in front of the others at the right time. The frame is just a low-poly blackish material so to be game-ready.\n\nThe kanji is: 居酒屋 = Eating/drinking pub “izakaya” (Japanese language)\n\nIf you are using this for a game, probably just pick one of the textures if you don't want to animate it.\n\nMusic is synthwave generated in FL Studio 12.\n\nThe entire model and animation was generated via Python scripting in Blender 2.82.\n\nEnjoy!","downloadable":true,"embedUrl":"","fileSize":3446028,"free":true,"id":274893935698,"images":{"default":{"featured":[{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""}],"main":{"href":""}}},"license":{"name":"CC BY 4.0","slug":"by","url":""},"modelCreatedTime":"2020-04-28T04:25:27Z","modelUpdatedTime":"2020-04-28T04:25:27Z","name":"Cyberpunk animated japanese LED neon sign","originSource":"SKETCHFAB","packageId":"fab087c62fc3459a8b7664757d980c28","polygonCount":328,"publishedDate":"2020-04-28T04:25:27Z","publisher":{"avatar":"","name":"YD Visual","profileUrl":""},"rigged":false,"slug":"cyberpunk_animated_japanese_led_neon_sign-274893935698","sourceUrl":"","stats":{"viewCount":5},"tags":["lamp","led","japan","future","cyberpunk","electronic","night","sign","neon","glow","downloadable","glowing","low-poly","3d","blender","texture","lowpoly","sci-fi","futuristic","animated","japanese","animated-model","animated-texture"],"vertexCount":232},{"animatedCount":0,"categories":[{"id":12,"name":"Landscape","slug":"landscape"}],"colors":["orange","yellow"],"description":"
High-quality, semi-realistic 3D environment art package for games and 3D applications version 4.0. Little to no photo source material as most textures are made using Substance Designer or hand-painted. Assets are well optimized as 4k atlases make it light for GPU and memory while prefabs contain LOD levels.
Follow the development thread for more info and possible new resources/updates:
The vegetation contains and works with the third-party tools Custom tree importer (CTI) which is compatible with Advanced Foliage Shader. The custom tree importer shaders provide realistic-looking wind and foliage with minimum performance impact so there is a good possibility of use on lower-end platforms.
(TFS - Toby foliage shader) is a new lightweight, fast and simple shader for vegetation made in the Amplify Shader editor. Works in URP and HDRP. *Read more in the \"releases\" tab.
Features and version updates:
• Features
• PBR materials and 4k texture atlases, light for GPU and memory
• Unique cliff meshes with 4 LOD levels
• Modular boulders with 4 LOD levels
• 1227 prefabs total (optimized meshes, merge prefabs, and more)
• Over 500 models
• A variety of ground tiles for summer, fall, and winter
- Snow Foliage (simple shader for snow-covered plants)
- Simple Snow Triplanar
- Ice shader
- Running water shader
- Custom Standard (Tessellation)
- 3 New (TFS) foliage shaders: grass, bark, and leaves
• Mesh and ground splats including snow
• Summer, fall, and winter seasons for all assets
• 146 trees and 156 bushes
• 80 new ground plants
• New (TFS) plants, trees, and bushes (208 models)
• High-quality grass models with variations and wind including \"terrain versions\"
• All trees and plants have realistic wind and shading
• 6 Example scenes
General Information
*Please read the setup instructions provided in PDF format or watch the video tutorial before you start!
For questions follow the thread or contact me via email:
","fileSize":"3711955366","id":274895839117,"images":{"default":{"featured":[{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""}],"main":{"href":""}}},"license":{"name":"Standard Unity Asset Store EULA","slug":"unity_standard","url":""},"modelCreatedTime":"2021-03-05T09:03:13Z","modelUpdatedTime":"2022-02-01T15:57:19Z","modelUrl":"","name":"GrassBSummer04_Optimized","originSource":"ASSET_STORE","packageId":"189617","packageInfo":{"icon":"//","name":"Rocky Hills Environment - Mega Pack"},"polygonCount":60,"publishedDate":null,"publisher":{"name":"Tobyfredson"},"rigged":false,"slug":"grassbsummer04_optimized-274895839117","sourceUrl":"","stats":{"viewCount":1},"tags":["Rocky Hills Environment - Mega Pack","rocky","hills","environment","mega","pack","nature","rocks","cliffs","cave","trees","bushes","CTI","PBR","Custom","tree","importer","Advanced","Foliage","Shader","grass","substance","beech","stalks","flowers","ground","details","splats","AVG","summer","fall","winter","snow","dry","wet","mud","puddles","stone","path","mountains"],"unityVersions":["2020.1.3"],"vertexCount":0},{"animatedCount":0,"categories":[{"id":12,"name":"Landscape","slug":"landscape"}],"colors":["yellow","cyan","gray"],"description":"This is a high quality and complete package, help you quickly build a fine M.O.B.A game scene.
\nAll models with shared textures and normal textures.
\nThis package is more than 400 assets
\nYou will get: \n-2 demo scene for presentation and testing (5v5 map &Lists) \n-300+ models \n-40+ textures (4096x4096px shared textures) \n-18 FX \n-4 scripts \n-8 towers \n-40+ plants \n \nWe will add a lot of assets in the next version. Don't forget to come back for update. \n \nContact us: ","fileSize":"1383853974","id":274895832548,"images":{"default":{"featured":[{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""}],"main":{"href":""}}},"license":{"name":"Standard Unity Asset Store EULA","slug":"unity_standard","url":""},"modelCreatedTime":"2016-02-05T23:02:24Z","modelUpdatedTime":"2020-03-19T10:18:11Z","modelUrl":"","name":"ZMOBA_Grass_B_3","originSource":"ASSET_STORE","packageId":"54973","packageInfo":{"icon":"//","name":"Z!M.O.B.A Environment Art Pack"},"polygonCount":6,"publishedDate":null,"publisher":{"name":"Zomoss!"},"rigged":false,"slug":"zmoba_grass_b_3-274895832548","sourceUrl":"","stats":{"viewCount":2},"tags":["Z!M.O.B.A Environment Art Pack","moba","FantasyEnvironment","dark","dota","lol","rpg","arpg","TowerDefense","Medieval"],"unityVersions":["5.2.2"],"vertexCount":0},{"animatedCount":0,"categories":[{"id":9,"name":"Nature & Plants","slug":"nature-plants"}],"colors":["black","cyan","yellow","gray"],"description":"7 cactuses optimized for mobile VR. \nAbout: \n - vertex count: 1900, 2900, 1350, 1400, 1250, 1000, 550, 1750 \n - 2K Textures (default import = 512px, diffuse & normal) \n - cactus A texture, cactus B texture, spikes texture, fruit texture ","id":274901475882,"images":{"default":{"featured":[{"href":" 1/Screenshots/cactus 1_20.webp"},{"href":" 1/Screenshots/cactus 1_50.webp"},{"href":" 1/Screenshots/cactus 1_80.webp"},{"href":" 1/Screenshots/cactus 1_110.webp"},{"href":" 1/Screenshots/cactus 1_140.webp"},{"href":" 1/Screenshots/cactus 1_170.webp"},{"href":" 1/Screenshots/cactus 1_200.webp"},{"href":" 1/Screenshots/cactus 1_230.webp"},{"href":" 1/Screenshots/cactus 1_260.webp"},{"href":" 1/Screenshots/cactus 1_290.webp"},{"href":" 1/Screenshots/cactus 1_320.webp"},{"href":" 1/Screenshots/cactus 1_350.webp"}],"main":{"href":" 1/cactus 1.webp"}}},"license":{"name":"Standard Unity Asset Store EULA","slug":"unity_standard","url":""},"modelCreatedTime":"2023-08-01T03:49:08Z","modelUpdatedTime":"2022-09-02T20:57:47Z","modelUrl":" 1.obs.glb","name":"cactus 1","originSource":"ASSET_STORE","packageId":"200311","packageInfo":{"icon":"//","name":"Cactuses Mobile"},"polygonCount":2636,"publishedDate":"2021-09-08T07:16:15Z","publisher":{"id":"55268","name":"NUMENA","url":""},"rigged":false,"slug":"cactus_1-274901475882","sourceUrl":"","stats":{"viewCount":0},"tags":null,"vertexCount":0},{"animatedCount":0,"categories":[{"id":1,"name":"Architecture","slug":"architecture"}],"colors":[],"description":"ДИКАРТ завод гипсовой лепнины Изготовление, монтаж и доставка по России. Горячая линия тел.: 8 (495) 150-219-5, 8 (800) 707-52-95 (для регионов бесплатно) г. Москва, Марксистская д. 3 к.3 Время работы с 9-00 до 21-00","downloadable":true,"embedUrl":"","fileSize":2852160,"free":true,"id":274893521409,"images":{"default":{"featured":[{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""}],"main":{"href":""}}},"license":{"name":"CC BY 4.0","slug":"by","url":""},"modelCreatedTime":"2017-04-07T11:48:22Z","modelUpdatedTime":"2017-04-07T11:48:22Z","name":"Средник ДС-192 591x439х29mm","originSource":"SKETCHFAB","packageId":"1ffbc9486bce4634ba09914be33af4e0","polygonCount":72197,"publishedDate":"2017-04-07T11:48:22Z","publisher":{"avatar":"","name":"Dikart","profileUrl":""},"rigged":false,"slug":"192_591x439_29mm-274893521409","sourceUrl":"","stats":{"viewCount":1},"tags":["lepnina","dikart","3dscan","zbrush","3dmax"],"vertexCount":33722},{"animatedCount":0,"categories":[{"id":12,"name":"Landscape","slug":"landscape"}],"colors":["gray","cyan"],"description":" Mobile-friendly package \n \n \nSuitable for you if you want outdoor field of mobile games.\n \n-It can also be used in pc games.\n \n-The terrain size is 200x200.\n \n-The terrain setting is a minimum specification. \n \n-Texture: In addition to the optimal size set, there is also a large texture.\n \n- One example demo scene\n \n\n \n \nInfo \n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n[Youtube]\n \n \n\n\n\n\n[artstation]\n \n \nIf you download \"Post Processing Stack\" from the Asset store, \n you can get a better quality work.\n \n ","fileSize":"68056043","id":274896318401,"images":{"default":{"featured":[{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""},{"href":""}],"main":{"href":""}}},"license":{"name":"Standard Unity Asset Store EULA","slug":"unity_standard","url":""},"modelCreatedTime":"2018-03-30T20:47:19Z","modelUpdatedTime":"2020-03-19T11:16:08Z","modelUrl":"","name":"plants_k001_a","originSource":"ASSET_STORE","packageId":"113942","packageInfo":{"icon":"//","name":"Top_Down Field_CR_MAX 550"},"polygonCount":16,"publishedDate":null,"publisher":{"name":"CrossRoad_MAX"},"rigged":false,"slug":"plants_k001_a-274896318401","sourceUrl":"","stats":{"viewCount":1},"tags":["Top_Down Field_CR_MAX 550","unity","diablo","pinterest","topdown","game","asset","store","game","crmax","lineage","3d model environment","dungeon"],"unityVersions":["5.5.0"],"vertexCount":0},{"animatedCount":0,"categories":[{"id":7,"name":"Furniture & Home","slug":"furniture-home"}],"colors":["black","cyan"],"description":"
This package contains a garden-wall based on several individual elements.
The door is animateable and also includes a giant padlock.
There are three different main wall parts.
Textures are included.
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Search by Image or Model
Select or drop a image or 3D model here to search. We support JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, WEBP, GLB, OBJ, STL, FBX. More formats will be added in the future.
#UPDATE 2 - We have added a new 80 variations to create more interiors. Fixes small bugs on the maps.
Most assets were built based on photogrammetry technique and properly optimized and hand tweaked to work in real-time scenes on Unity. There were prepared two lighting setups day and night. Please check out that for now, we support just HDRP.
It's our first package here. Please let us know what you think. We will try to provide the necessary support if needed. And we hope in the future we will make more assets for Unity Asset Store :)
If you feel that we missed something in the description or you just want more information from the engine please just write to us at
This pack includes 2x HDR skies from Greg Zaal by public domain licence. Also, movement based on free tutorial FPS controller from