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A 2nd year Classics student and novice 3D modeller's attempt at reconstructing the *Brocolitia* Temple of Mithras from just outside the Carrawburgh Roman Fort on Hadrian's Wall, Northumberland, UK.
The structure, shown here as a cross-section, was a stone temple built to the Roman sun-god Mithras (based loosely on the Persian deity, Mithra) for gatherings and ritual use by his secretive cult of followers. The temples, called *Mithraea*, were built without windows in order to resemble the sacred cave in which the god Mithras allegedly slew a mighty bull. Mithraism was popular in the late periods of the Empire but declined rapidly after the Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity in 313 AD.
The model was created entirely in Blender and uses flat colours for texturing, with the exception of the relief at the far end.