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A medium quality model (here decimated to 1000k) of the inside of the Lazo Chapel, part of the ensemble of the Roman Catholic Cathedral of Alba Iulia, Romania. Lázó Chapel is the most important monument of the early Renaissance in Transylvania, an eclectic building combining architectural features typical of the Italian Renaissance, which spread slowly in this part of Europe, with archaic design solutions of the Gothic tradition. The chapel was built in the area of the former northern portal of the cathedral, being completed in 1512. Dedicated to the Holy Spirit, the chapel was founded by and donated to the bishopric of Transylvania by John of Lázó, Archdeacon of Tileagd. (copyright Arhiepiscopia Romano Catolica de Alba Iulia, 2017).
The model was created from 251 photos obtained using a 28mm lens. Use of First person navigation mode is recommended. See non-textured model here: The chapel's front entrance in an old photograph: