Pick this entire asset pack for free on my gumroad: https://bit.ly/2EZwIj5
Here's my example scene render: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHpGbJvvjtU
Pick up the modular space station environment asset pack of sci-fi models. Each asset contains PBR Textures that were too big to upload for free. If you'd like to download them, please check out the gumroad link above.
You are free to commercially use these without credit, but DO NOT redistribute or resell without modification to the original assets.
These assets are perfect for ;
-Polished Game Ready Environments
-General Prototyping
It comes with;
- 3 Floors
- 4 Ceilings
- 4 Stairs
- 2 Ramps
- 6 Pillars
- 9 Walls
- 5 Doorways
- 2 Doors
- 3 Elevators
- 3 Piping/Electrical Systems
Each Model has PBR Textures that can be found on the gumroad link.