Asset Overview
This facade is one of the few remaining examples of the old Persian archeticture of this distrcit. A friend of mine, Gurdeep, also known as Avara the Wanderer told me that it's called the Mullah's House as it's situated near by the old mosque of the district.
Location: 40.18082526358568, 44.50240390424478
Kond, which means long hill in Armenian, is one of the three original districts of Yerevan, and was formerly known as Tepebashi during the 17th-century Persian rule.
Kond was inhabited by Safavid/Qajar Persians, Tatars (Azeris), and Armenians. It's currently the only remaining district of 3 districts of Yerevan during the Safavid Persian rule. Today, it's not in good shape and lacks many basic infrastructure that the rest of the neighborhoods of Yerevan have.
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