Medical Laboratory PBRmedicalmediclablaboratorydiseasebloodcellmedicinepharmaceuticpharmacyhospitalmorguehorrorscientistpbrphysicallybasedrenderingexaminationmedicineglovescoathazardous
Medical Laboratory PBR
35 Assets
Package Overview
Medical Laboratory is an modular interior level kit.
You can move and assemble the assets provided to build you own rooms.
PBR Texture maps and materials.
Over 40 assets prefabs.
Modular pieces.
Meshes comes in .fbx format.
Textures comes in .tga.
The example scene uses Unity's standard assets packages such as Characters and Image Effects. Please load them for it to work correctly.
Please remember to use Linear color space when working with PBR Assets. You can change this in your Unity's Player settings.