3D model made with Pix4D from 174 photos taken with a [Escadrone's Six2 UAV](http://escadrone.com/drones/six-2-evo-s1-s2-s3/)
![Escadrone Six2 drone photogrammétrie](http://www.dronestagr.am/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/six2-en-lair-1200x674.jpg "Escadrone Six2 drone photogrammétrie")
and Samsung NX500 camera. Shot manually (with a trigger on the controller) in free flight (not an automated mission).
The purpose was just to take a few pictures of the houses for a digital creative agency, not with the goal to produce a 3D model. The photos were just thrown in Pix4D without geotags to "see how it goes". That's why the back of the buildings have some holes.
![Villa photogrammétrie 3D drone](http://www.dronestagr.am/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/SAM_0177-850x469-jpg75.jpg "Villa photogrammétrie 3D drone")