Volaspire - Air Habitat/Transportation System

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Author name
Glen Johnson
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CC BY 4.0

Asset Overview

This is for the MasterpieceVR “Imagine And Create A Sustainable Future” competition. This habitat is a Volaspire. It has four flying transportation pods capable of independent flight to transport small groups to the main tower. Once attached to the main tower the flight pods become propellers and the whole tower is capable of transporting over 200 passengers. The flying pods are ai controlled and have near perfect balance during flight. When not in flight the propellers of each pod turn into large solar energy collectors and help charge the main tower. The main tower is equipped with wind turbines and solar cells. The docking station has over an acre of green space for growing food for passengers and creating organic material for four large scale 3d printers. The printers can run continuously to print new parts or replacement parts from 100% organic material grown on site. The Volaspire is an ancestor of the [geistspire](https://skfb.ly/6yEJX) of the kingdom biotronican. All modeling done in MasterpieceVR.