Yilong Futuristic city, adventurous Architecture

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Yilong futuristic city competition: 3rd award (from over 1000 submissions) In terms of energy: one bitcoin transaction now uses as much energy as your house uses in a week. We propose that the city has big data data centres , and bitcoin/ blockchain computation centres dispersed all around the city in an effort to create an urban environment that integrates computer networks, energy production and consumption, heating, and functional diversity. The city that our algorithm creates is one of pure programme, pure density, pure organisation and no form. In a word where one can have any form that they like, it is within the interconnections, the network and the energy that the power of architecture lies. We create a new manner in which to create grids, network of cities and an interplay of functions. As such we envision that our algorithm creates the masterplan framework of the future where architects will operate in true 3d cities, with very restricted reference to the ground.