1641 Graveslab, Riddell Aisle, Lilliesleaf

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Douglas Ledingham
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Canmore ID 101364. A slab containing an incised panel with a shield in its lower part, flanked by the initials A R and I S. The shield is parted per pale and charged on the dexter side only for Riddel, the sinister side being uncarved. An inscription in the upper part of the panel runs NON DIV SED BE/NE VIXIT / QVI HAC (sic) IACET AN/DREAS RIDDEL DE /HAINING FILIVS / ANDREAE RIDDEL / DE EODEM OBIIT A (sic) / 8 APRILIS AN(NO) DOM(INI) / 1641 AETATIS SVAE 35 ("Not long but well did he live who lies here. Andrew Riddel of Haining, son of Andrew Riddel of that Ilk, died on the 8th of April in the year of Our Lord 1641, aged 35"); while a second one beneath the panel reads HIC PARTICEPS PRI/MAE RESVRRECTIO/NIS EXPECTAT SE/CVNDAM IN VITAM / AETERNAM ("Here a partaker of the first resurrection awaits the second, to eternal life").