This stone was discovered in Killaguile Co. Galway. Located in a woodland, along a boundry wall the stone may have come from an 18th cottage or building. The stone is damaged at the start of the inscription but appears to read ?M 1788 followed by ?? MPC 1784. The later date is added before the eariler carving, and may represent the names of people who used the building. The stone may have been a lintel above a window or door.
Griffiths Valuation notes that James E. Jackson held the lands in fee in the 1830s (Lands held 'in fee' were freehold tenures, derived from a grant from the Crown.) 
The buildings appear on the 1st Edition of the OS Maps, but not later editions, indicating that they were abadoned during the famine, many of the clusters of houses in the areas have since vanished.