Asset Overview
A hypothetical reconstruction of the polychromy of the famous portrait head of Alexander from the British Museum ( ).
The base mesh was downloaded from the British Museum's Sketchfab page ( and retextured using Substance Painter.
The skin tone and hair color are based on two frescoes from Pompeii assumed to show Alexander: The fresco of the Wedding of Alexander and Statira/Roxanne in the Casa Del Bracciale D'Oro, and the fresco of a seated Alexander from the House of the Vettii. The latter may be a copy of a larger more famous painting by Alexander's court painter, Apelles. If that is the case, it may be the most accurate representation of Alexander we have. I also referenced the so called Alexander Sarcophagus, which preserves some polychromy, the famous Alexander mosaic from Pompeii, and various mummy portraits to try and simulate the sorts of brush strokes used.