This site is a protected structure and access is limited due to instability of the surrounding walls. The Window is located on the East Gable wall and was uncovered at time of recording (November 02 2019).
The church is a rectangular limestone structure surviving to the eaves (ext. dims 14.2m E-W; 8.5m N-S; H 3.5m) with dressed quoins and a modernised doorway (Wth 1.7m) at W but the walls are completely overgrown with ivy. There are two blocked rectangular windows in both the S and N walls and a single-light decorated 15th-century window in the E gable which is inserted over the base of a simpler window and which is illustrated by Grosse. There are two corbels with carved heads at roof level at the SE and SW angles.
Recording funded by Leitrim Heritage Officer