Apothecary vessel for oxymel compositum

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Virtual Museums of Małopolska
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The vessel is covered with plant-figural ornament. The ornaments are painted in cobalt blue on a cream-white background. Under the spout, at the bottom of the vessel, one can see an image of a smiling mascaron, and above it, a wide ribbon with curled ends. On the ribbon, there is an inscription: Oximel∙comp(ositum), meaning acetum honey. This preparation contained: root and seeds of celery (Apium gravrolens L.), root and seeds of fennel (Foeniculum officinale L.), parsley root (Petroselinum sativum L.), root of butcher’s-broom (Ruscus aculeatus L.) and root of asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.) as well as vinegar (Acetum) and purified honey (Mel despumatum). Acetum honey was used as a diaphoretic and a detoxicant for the liver, spleen and kidneys. ID no.: KGZ 5938 Time of creation: late 16th century Museum: The Museum of Pharmacy at the Jagiellonian University Medical College in Kraków https://muzea.malopolska.pl/en/objects-list/1956 Digitalisation: RDW MIC, Virtual Małopolska project

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