Asset Overview
Baroque copy of the so-called Ludovisi Ares (antique statue of Mars) on the Mars lawn in Vienna's 17th district. The statue from 1774 was made by Johann Martin Fischer and was located on the grounds of the landscape garden of Franz Moritz Count von Lacy.
Ludovisi Ares is the name given to a marble statue made in the 2nd century AD as a Roman copy of a statue that has since been lost. The original is dated from the time of the beginning of Hellenism in the last third of the 4th century BC. The statue shows a young god, seated on a rock, with his left foot resting on his helmet and his shield leaning against him on his right. The left hand holds the sword in its scabbard. The robe is wrapped around the waist, one end falls over the right thigh, but leaves the sex uncovered, and the other end is wrapped over the left forearm. Between the feet sits a small eros looking up to the god.