Auchindoir, St Mary's Kirk, Aberdeenshire, Scotland.
The church of Auchindoir was dedicated to the Blessed Virgin or St Mary and is mentioned from 1236 onwards. It is described by Simpson as one of the finest specimens of 13th century transitional or early First Pointed architecture surviving in North Scotland exemplified by the south doorway. The structure was ruinous in 1809 and the surviving walls are of rubble with freestone quoins. There is no structural division between the nave and chancel. The church was altered in the first half of the 16th century and at some period in the 17th century and doors and windows have been inserted. There is a 1664 belfry on the west gable and a number of 16th century and 17th century inscriptions. A 'sacrament house' is a fine example of early 16th century work.
Canmore 17230