Earthquakes linked to the 2014/2015 eruption of Bárðarbunga in Iceland.
* Long story: see [Wikipedia](
* Long story short: tectonic plates diverge, magma rises, volcanoes erupt :)
Data Range:
* Lat/Lon: 63°N - 67°N / 25°W - 12°W
* Depth: 0 to 15km
* Magnitude: 4 (blue) to 5.6 (red)
* Time: 2014-08-16 to 2015-02-19 : 1s ~= 2 weeks
* Topography and bathymetry: [Etopo1 Global Relief Model](
* Earthquakes: [ANSS Comprehensive Earthquake Catalog](
* Geological map: [](
Created with python and blender.