Asset Overview
NH75774 44484 ScRAP ID 3042 Photographed 10th August 2020
The panel is part of the complex of monuments at Clava ('Clava cairns'), well known and much frequented by visitors. It is located on a level river terrace to the SE of the river Nairn, in the flat bottom of the SW to NE valley. The panel itself is a kerbstone on the N edge of the NE Cairn at Balnuarin of Clava, and stands out because although similar in size to the other kerbstones it is a darker redder colour and has many deep and distinct cups.
The panel is a rounded but flat-faced sandstone boulder 1.1m by 0.6m. 42 cups are visible, fairly evenly spaced and of varying depths, covering the whole surface. In addition, near one end is 1 cup with a partial ring. Clear curving grooves partition the panel into 3 main sections. The grooves all appear to start at the edge of the panel and move inwards, terminating without crossing the panel completely.
Shot with Huawei Mate Pro 10 mobile phone by Douglas Ledingham