Bas-relief with the head of a winged genius

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Geoffrey Marchal
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Bas-relief with the head of a winged genius, Nimrud, north-westerly palace (Iraq), neo-Assyrian empire, reign of Assurnazirpal II, 883-859 BCE, gypsum stone. Musée du Cinquantenaire (Brussels, Belgium). Made with ReMake and ReCap Pro from AutoDesk. The winged genius relief, a fragment of a panel at least 2.3 meters high, and the associated "standard inscription" were part of a ritual scene repeated many times in the palace. from Assurnazirpal II to Nimrud. The genie wears a horned crown, a traditional attribute of a protective deity who has to defend the king against the demons and help him to defeat the enemies. All the details are carefully rendered, in accordance with the Assyrian canon: the divine tiara, the long hair and the curly beard, the beautiful dangle earrings or the fringed garment. The bas-relief creates plays of light that distort the genius to make an impressive guardian of the new residence of the sovereign. For more updates, please consider to follow me on Twitter at @GeoffreyMarchal.

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