3D-scan of a Boxing Glove made by [Creative Tools.](http://www.creativetools.se)
Scanned with [EinscanPro](https://www.creativetools.se/hardware/3d-scanners-and-accessories/3d-scanners/einscan-pro-3d-scanner) using the Handheld Rapid Scanning mode (using NO markers). Settings set to High and without Texture.
Scan results: 3,823,422 triangles
Uploaded file (reduced 25%): 955,855 triangles
Scan Time: under 2 minutes
Scan setup and process time (on old laptop): less than 10 minutes.
Read more about Shining 3D Scanners from EU reseller [Creative Tools here](https://www.creativetools.se/hardware/3d-scanners-and-accessories/3d-scanners).