Caer Drewyn Hillfort, Corwen, Denbighshire

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Mark Walters
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Asset Overview

Caer Drewyn Hillfort overlooks the Dee Valley near Corwen. It is thought to be Early Iron Age in origin, but there has been very little excavation here and the various phases of occupation are undated. The earliest phase included an earthwork enclosure at the north east end with a defensive bank & ditch. This was replaced by the much larger walled enclosure you can see now with its two inturned entrances & numerous hut platforms. After the large walled enclosure was disused a small farmstead annexe was added on the north east side which includes a round house and other structures. The annexe is possibly Romano-British or Post Roman in date. In the medieval period a rectangular building was erected in the west entrance of the old walled enclosure. The latest activity is represented by the numerous circular rock shelters in the top off the collapsed walled enclosure rampart. There is a possibility that these were used for a recorded rabbit warren. The hillfort lies within the Clwydian Range & Dee Valley AONB