“Calissons” or “Callissons d’Aix” are a traditional French candy from the Provence region. They are made of a paste of candied fruit (mostly melons and oranges) and almonds, topped with a layer of royal icing.
Inscribed as Living Heritage (Patrimoine vivant) of the Provençal city of Aix-en-Provence, the tradition of calisson-making goes as far back as the fifteenth century.
Data captured with an iPhone 7 Plus (2016). 3D model generated using photogrammetry in Agisoft Metashape, retopologized with Instant Meshes and finished in Blender.
* Resolution: 3024 x 4032 pixels
* Focal Length: 3.99 mm
* Pixel Size: 1.22 x 1.22 μm
* Number of images: 170