Calymene blumenbachii Underside BIRUG BU2461

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Lapworth Museum of Geology
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BIRUG BU2461 is a specimen of *Calymene blumenbachii*, or the ‘Dudley bug’. This specimen is unusual – showing features of the underside of the trilobite. One notable part is the hypostome – situated beneath the cephalon (head), it is interpreted as being part of the feeding apparatus. In some groups the hypostome is fixed to the cephalon whereas in others it was more mobile – attached with soft-tissue. The shape of the hypostome can also be useful for group identification, as many groups possess different shapes. The underside of the central lobe of the trilobite can be seen, running centrally from the cephalon to pygidium (tail), in this section were housed all of the muscles used for locomotion. Therefore trilobites that utilised more energetic forms of locomotion, e.g. swimming and burrowing, often have a larger central lobe. This specimen is from Wren’s Nest at Dudley and was scanned by Andrew Jones using an Artec Spider 3D scanner. The specimen is on display in the Evolution of Life Gallery.