**Columbit in čadavec**
Columbit je mineral, v katerem so leta 1801 odkrili kemijsko prvino niobij in je še vedno najpomembnejša ruda za pridobivanje te cenjene kovine. Ime ima po odkritelju Krištofu Kolumbu. Primerek je iz Brazilije (Minas Gerais). Zbirka dr. Ane Hinterlechner Ravnik in dr. Danila Ravnika, hrani Prirodoslovni muzej Slovenije.
**Columbite and smoky quartz **
Columbite is a mineral in which the chemical element niobium was discovered in 1801 and is still the most noteworthy ore for the extraction of this esteemed metal. It was named after Christopher Columbus, its discoverer. This specimen originates from Brazil (Minas Gerais). Collection of Dr Ana Hinterlechner Ravnik and Dr Danilo Ravnik, held by the Slovenian Museum of Natural History.