Looks like this is the counterpart of the one I did before https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/day-9-boyoun-kim-subway-car-11d687798e2a48ad8f17eece83baa513
Decorated by Boyoun Kim: https://www.boyounkim.com/MTA-NYC
Textures are a tad blurry because I have to do those scans super fast while subway is stopped.
Captured with iPhone 12 lidar + Polycam.ai
I'm trying to post 1 scan a day in 2021. You can follow the tag [#1scanaday](http://sketchfab.com/tags/1scanaday), or my [2021 collection here](https://sketchfab.com/alban/collections/1-scan-a-day-in-2021). You can also join at anytime, as long as you try keeping up from there.