Asset Overview
Knowing the difficulty and time consumption to create a motorcycle, I've created this dirt bike mesh with UE4 & Unity packed materials included for both a Lightly dusty and Completely Clean version allowing artists to take the level of dirt to their own desires.
Both dusty and clean versions included for both full and uv optimised versions.
Full material version - 17 materials - Between 256 and 2k
Optimised UV version - 5 Materials - reusing Tyres (due to high material layering probability), headlamp and chain from above (due to opacity) - However the body is entirely combined into a single 4k sheet in order to reduce over all texture calls, size and drawcalls.
I have also created LODS at the following tri counts that are included for both variations in the additional files.
LOD1 - 69,956
LOD2 - 36,795
LOD3 - 14,438
LOD4 - 7,592
LOD5 - 3,669