Asset Overview
This is a woodblock carving by W. T. Green from a drawing by Richard Doyle, made as a full page carving for "Part the Second" of Charles Dickens' *The Battle of Life.* Doyle was, fun fact, uncle to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Some parts of the scan are missing due to lack of overlap. Fortunately, this woodblock carving was used to print a very well known and archived book, so there was no need to make the virtual print. We did so anyway to compare, and the results are quite good.
The original:

The virtual print:

These scans are a part of a series of Victorian woodblocks being studied by Dr. Michael Hancher of the UMN English department. The blocks are part of the collections held by the Special Collections and Rare Books unit of the University of Minnesota Libraries.
Scans were made in AISOS, a part of LATIS Labs in the College of Liberal Arts at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities.