Asset Overview
The Dobhar Chu stone relates to a local legend of a man who killed a water beast known as the Dobhar Chu (Water Dog, or King Otter) after discovering it had killed his wife by the shore of Glenade Lough. The stone was recorded as part of the art project[ 'Water Senses']( by artist Ruth Le Gear.
The carving on the stone depictis an otter being killed by an axe. During a survey of the graveyard a second carved stone depicting a man riding a horse with a sword held alot was discovered. This could represent the second part of the dobhar chu story, where the man chaces the beast on horseback for some distance, and the beast kills his horse.
It is likely the story is a local legend in leitrim and south donegal, and may have been inspired by these two headstone, rather than the headstone reflecting the story.