Enameled Coffee Percolator

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MSU Campus Archaeology Program
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CC BY 4.0

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This yellow enameled coffee percolator was discovered by construction crews in October, 2018. Construction crews conducting work in an area where a known historic homestead once stood and contacted CAP once this coffee percolator and bricks were discovered. CAP members conducted a quick salvage operation at the location and found the remains of two glass bleach bottles dating to 1951, ceramic drain pipes, cement foundations, and the crumbling remains of brick walls, possibly part of an old basement. Based on the distribution, it is likely that trash and reduse was dumped into the basement before the structure was torn down and the foundations burried. The artifacts found here associated with the coffee percolator, as well as artifacts found in this area during the summer of 2018, CAP choose this location for excavations for the 2019 field season. No doubt other exciting finds such as this one will be uncovered!