Figure 8 Knot Tightened

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Author name
David Hall
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CC BY 4.0

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A flat ribbon can be tied in a figure 8 knot using only 60 degree folds. Here, green zometool struts form the centerline of the ribbon. Their length is one half of the width of the ribbon. The folds are all positioned as whole multiples of this length. My [original model of this knot]( shows it tied looser, more open so it's structure can be seen. This one shows it tightened as much as possible in all of the significant (yellow) sections while maintaining all of its folds at 60 degrees. A version of [the knot without the 60 degree fold constraint]( can be closed as tight as possible. The purple sections along the Z axis could all be reduced to 0 length to fully close the knot. This model was generated with vZome. The vZome file is included in the zip download of this model.