# **Blank Greeting Card with Envelope Free**
***If the model is useful to you and if you want, you can buy me a coffee:***

# ko-fi.com/parzivalcg
*Available formats:*
* 4K PBR 16-bit png format
# **You can also view other model similar:**
**[Happy Birthday! Asset A](https://skfb.ly/opMSF)**
**[Happy Birthday! Asset B](https://skfb.ly/orAPX)**
**[Happy Summer Holidays](https://skfb.ly/opMSG)**
**[Merry Christmas](https://skfb.ly/orATr)**
*Royalty Free License (See Sketchfab Terms and Conditions). The model can be used in any type of project. Reselling the model, modified meshes or texture in any form is not allowed.*