Asset Overview
This is was a 3D scan test of hand made piece. Testing how does material translate in digital world. I think it does pretty well. It's a been sculpted by a friend of mine, and she did it only by a tea spoon. Painted with water colors.
Scanned with a DSLR using Photogrammetry with cross-polarization technique. Aligned in RealityCapture. Clean and auto retopologized with zBrush. UVs auto unwrapped with Rizom UV. Rougness map was hand made from albedo textue using Photoshop, Height, AO and Normals with zBrush. Later I noticed i shouldve use paddings on albedo textures, becuase there are visible edges of textures.
It looks even more awesome with some Path Tracing Rendering! Pic below 👇 Created with Cinema 4D and Octane Render Engine.
Download includes:
* Textures (Albedo, Normal, Rougness, AO, Height)
* Mesh in LOD0 - LOD4 (LOD3 is submited here)
Hand sculpted by Marija Klun
**Feel free to download and use it in any way. **